Friday, June 23, 2023

Flashback Friday Block

Someone emailed me about "A Time For All Seasons" block of the month that was way, way back in 2019. I know, that's not that long ago, but when I look at all the BOM's that have I've been involved with since then, it seems a long time ago!

Since I'm off hanging out with the Monkey Boys and Monkey Girl (and loving it),
I thought I'd share a few of the blocks with you for free.
They are just the right size to add to pillows, tote bags, or even a small quilt.

This was a fun one for June as the traditional wedding month.
You can find the block pattern HERE.

Too bad Father's Day is over. This one was perfect for all those ties dad's receive.
You can find the block pattern HERE.

Maybe we just need to sail off into the sunset with this one.
You can find the block pattern HERE.



  1. I know you are having a wonderful time! Thanks for the block links. 2019 does seem like a long time ago. So much has happened in between and everyone's life has changed.

  2. Muchas gracias, que bonitos bloques

  3. They are all fun blocks! Enjoy the visit with the monkey boys and girl!


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