Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Valentine Sew Along With Therm O Web

There's a sew along happening over on the Therm O Web blog today and tomorrow 
with free applique patterns. You can use these sweet Valentine 8 ½” x 8 ½” blocks in projects
we’ll release on February 14th. You could even use them in pillows or treat bags!

We have some fun free blocks for you to sew during our Valentine Sew Along…two 
from me today, two from Carla, Creatin' in the Sticks, tomorrow. 

Here's what I used for my applique designs:

“Love Bunny” and “Love Bird” applique patterns

I love this mini Oliso iron!

It's never too early to show some Valentine love!


  1. These blocks are so darn cute! THank you!

  2. Really sweet patterns. Thank you so much!

  3. Oh my! These applique designs are the cutest! Thank you for sharing them with us :)

  4. Thanks for the cute Valentine applique designs

  5. Sweet blocks! These will look great in a mini wall hanging! Thanks, Carol!

  6. Hi Carol! I agree - it's never too early to share some Valentine love. I find that interesting that the mini Oliso iron doesn't have the feet to lift the plate up. It sure is cute and I imagine quite portable. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Cute! Just thought I would let you know on the Thermoweb site they didn't add links to the PDF's.

  8. Those are just adorable. I can hardly wait to see what Carla adds to this cuteness!


Comments are always appreciated!

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