Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My Day For Where Flowers Bloom Blog Hop

Flowers are blooming on blogs all this week thanks to Carla from
Creatin' In The Sticks...thanks, Carla!

I made a quilt using Into the Garden fabric by Amanda Herring for Riley Blake Designs.
I had bought the layer cake from Quilt Taffy...I love her online store!

Flowers Everywhere

How to make the flower blocks
You can find the entire PDF pattern in my Etsy store HERE.

Check out the others who are hopping through the flowers...

Monday, June 11th

Friday, June 15th

Den syende himmel
Blessings From Our Nest
DesertSky Quilting
Just Because Quilts
Quarter Inch Crafter
Creatin' in the Sticks

Google has made some changes, so answering comments has become quite the challenge.
If I have your email address, you will hear from me, but unfortunately I can't reply if I don't.

If you've asked to be part of the Christmas in July blog hop and haven't heard from me,
it's because I don't have your email address to be able to respond. I'd love to have you
join in the blog hop, so email me with your email address, blog name, and blog URL
and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Beautiful, and your garden is looking glorious 🌸

  2. Thanks for the TUTORIAL. And you got to make an entire quilt with that BLOCK. I think it is cute! and want to try one myself using flowery fabric on each of their petals. Is that what you did? I will send you a pic if/when I finish it.Take care...robin

  3. Gorgeous quilt! Thanks for the tutorial as well!

  4. Lovely quilt, so bright and cheerful.

  5. Lovely quilt--and I like the simplicity of it. Your real flowers are looking beautiful right now too!

  6. You always rock my quilty world. Beautiful, Carol. Thank you for joining in on Where Flowers Bloom. Your tutorial is a bright spot in the hop for sure.

  7. What a pretty quilt Carol. Thanks for the quick little pattern for it too. Glad we shared the same posting day.

  8. Thank you for the mini tutorial. It's often not easy to readily see how to make the block for the design easily from a picture, even to a non-beginning quilter. I adore your quilt with all the goodness of flowers. You brightened my day.

  9. That is a darling quilt! So lovely! Thanks for the pattern!

  10. Very pretty quilt. It would be fun to make.

  11. Sew pretty! Thanks for the fun and easy pattern ... :) Pat

  12. What a cool project and I love that you showed us how to make the pattern also. I will definitely try this. Love the fabrics, they are perfect for this project and that border is fabuloso. :)

  13. Bloomin' beautiful! Both the quilt and the landscape. Perfect for a photo shoot. I'm in full blown scrappy mode right now, and I see scrappy flowers about to happen! lol!!!! Thanks for the little tutorial. ;-)

  14. That's a sweet flower quilt and your instructions were so clear. Have a flowery day, Carol. bull tulip 69 @ gmail dot com (no spaces)

  15. Great quilt! Thank you for the tutorial. I'll be making one of these for sure!

  16. Beautiful in such a Creepy Carol way!! Hehehehe ;) well done Ms Carol and I so enjoy seeing your work and all you have to share thru this blog. Thank you dearest Creepy ❤️❤️ Love from your Wickedest Wendy

  17. This 8s very pretty I could use up alot of scraps on this.... happyness04431@yahoo.com

  18. Very sweet. Perfect little photo shoot!

  19. this looks fun and easy. I like this pattern.
    I can make this quilt for the tiny grand baby in a week-end.

    I hope that you do not hurt your feet on the legos. Walk with the sweeping motion, right?

  20. This is a very sweet quilt and your tutorial is terrific, thanks

  21. What a cute quilt. Love the colors and the tutorial is awesome.

  22. What a sweet, pretty quilt! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Hard pressed to say which is prettier your quilt or your flower garden.

  24. Very cute quilt! thanks for the free pattern! I knew you'd have something wonderful to share with us today.

  25. Very pretty flower quilt. Days are zooming by as we are frantically packing and praying for a smooth escrow closing. St. George is on our horizon and July should find us beginning our Sunset years in Snow Canyon. Summer Smiles Dear...<3

  26. You always make the prettiest quilts! Just lovely!

  27. I love your quilt, Carol - as well as the picture setting! Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this pattern.

  28. Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the tutorial - looks quick and easy to put together

  29. I LOVE your pattern and quilt! That came out simply wonderful!

  30. Such a cute quilt! Love the fabric you used.. I think I may "need" to make one :) xx


Comments are always appreciated!

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