Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Possible Fix For Your Missing Comments

I love my blog friends, like Daryl, who emailed me a link to a blog
with a possible fix for the missing comments issue. It worked for Daryl and me,
and it's working for everyone I know.

Amity Quilter shared her "home grown fix" for this issue that's been
 plaguing us for weeks. Thank you Amity Quilter for sharing this!

Here's her link to how she fixed the comments to our email problem.

This is what I did following her directions:

Go to your Blogger dashboard...look to the left.

Click on "Settings"
Click on Email
Change the email address to a different one.
If you don't have a second email address to use, maybe you could borrow 
your spouse or friends email just for a few minutes.

Or another option

Remove your email address and click SAVE.
Re-enter your email address and click SAVE. 

Click on Save Settings 

Go to your email account and find this email. Click on Subscribe

Now go back to your dashboard and repeat the sequence, but
change your email to the one you like to use. It really least for now.

Remember that AOL, Yahoo, and a few others still show up as no-reply bloggers
or as spam. I guess we can't have everything we want...darn!

Good luck and hopefully we can get back to normal blogging again!
Share this info, copy it, whatever it takes.


  1. Thanks for the information! I tried it and hopefully it will work.

  2. Thanks for being so quick to pass along this information Carol. Glad we are back to normal again...for now at least. If it happens again maybe repeating what we did here would work! again? Worth a try.

  3. Thank you, Carol (and friends) for passing along this info! What a hassle it's been. I will try this for sure. It's easy to sign up for a google email if anyone needs an alternate address.

  4. Did my best to follow these instructions and am hoping the problem is fixed. Thanks for passing this information along ... :) Pat

  5. It worked! Thanks for the detailed tutorial. I will be linking to this post to share the news ... :-) Pat

  6. Thanks, Carol for posting the information. I will give it a try and hope it works here too.

  7. Thanks for the help here. I did it and it did work it seems. I'll pass the info along on my blog too!

  8. I thought I was fixed, but now I am getting emails in my spam file that block your replys. I give up. I've now switched to a gmail account. Hope that resolves this mess! :-O Do you see me rolling my eyes here!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It seems to have worked for me. I switched to my yahoo email then back to my gmail email. I got messages for both. I hope this is a true fix. Thanks for the info!

  11. Thanks! I'm giving it a try and see if it works.

  12. Here's hoping that those of you still with blogspot find this works for you! I know it's been annoying.

  13. Oh my, Oh my, Oh my! Thank you so much for that information. I removed my email and saved it and then put my email back and saved it and shortly after that, I got an email confirming my subscription to my blog. See my email below. I wish they would give us solutions when they make such big changes! Thanks again.
    7:42 AM (18 minutes ago)
    to me
    You have been invited to receive email notifications at when new comments on blog Sewing Up My Fabric have been published.
    Please click the Subscribe link below to accept this invitation. If you don’t want these email notifications, you can just ignore this message, or click the Decline link below.

    If you want to stop receiving comment email notifications for this blog, you can click the opt-out link here or in any of the notification emails.


  14. Thank you! I hope it works for me too.

  15. Thank you, thank you. All done. Hopefully it will work.

  16. Thanks so much! Fingers crossed that it worked!


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