Friday, March 13, 2015

What's In My Little Brown Bag

It was suggested by another sweet bloggy lady that I probably needed to do a little retail shopping
to get my energy back after hanging out with those busy, busy Monkey Boys the last few weeks. 

Sounds good to me!

It had been a while since I'd seen my favorite ladies at Quilted Works, so that's where I headed to 
pick out a giveaway for my Tree Bird blog hop post on Monday and see what's new in their fabrics.
(Don't forget to come back on Monday to see what I picked out for my giveaway!)

I love that store and those ladies gave me just the pick-up I needed!
They also talked me into picking up a little brown bag for $5.

This little bag holds two fat quarters and I have to make something with them.
Hmmmm.....I have to really get some creativeness going in this befuddled and foggy brain!

The rules say I can "purchase more than one" so I may have to sacrifice and go back for more.


  1. Sounds like a fun challenge! I can't wait to see what you make. :-)

  2. Love the fat quarters! Fire up your machine sew we can see what you will be making, lol!

  3. Cute fat quarters - it will be fun to see what you come up with. :) blessings, marlene

  4. but if you buy two do you get 2x the credit? I do see what a sacrifice that is..... fun fabrics btw

  5. Great fabrics.... but quite a challenge. What will you make....can't wait to see?. Glad you got some retail therapy....we all deserve it once in awhile!

  6. Looking forward to Monday's post!

  7. Hmmm I wonder what you will make with those fabrics??? Always fun to have a challenge to get the brain kick started.

  8. A challenge with Tula Pink fabric ! (I love her fabric) I'm betting you'll make a bag ! I did some re-tail therapy last night too. Guess works !

  9. Ahhh...Tula, she has bee fabric that goes with those, I think :)

  10. What a fun challenge. Can't wait to see what these fabrics become.

  11. How fun!!! Those FQs look wonderful and I know you will come up with a great project.

  12. What a cute idea. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Cute fabrics, a small project, sounds like fun to me! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  13. For some reason when I saw those fat quarters, my first thought was Dr. Seuss... muted... not the bright colors of the fabric line but I have no idea why that thought popped into my mind. It will be fun to see what you make with them.

  14. Oh a challenge. I love those fabrics, I even know the line which is kind of scary, but a great way to get those creative juices going.


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Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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