Monday, March 9, 2015

Elephant Parade Quilt Is A Little Ruffled

 Sewing and quilting is going pretty slow in my life right now, but I did manage to get a
ruffle on my Elephant Parade Quilt. It's so girly looking and I love it!
I have it sandwiched together and ready to be quilted...soon, hopefully.

I've been hanging out with the older Monkey Boys while their mama spends time with the new baby.
They look like they're praying here with my oldest daughter, but they're really planking and
watching the timer to make sure they do it for who-knows-how-long. My daughter outlasted them!

Vickie at More Stars in Comanche was showing off her newly organized sewing room
 (it looked so tidy and clean!) and she asked me, "What's yours look like?"

Well...when I'm visiting the monkeys, I use a corner in the bedroom of my oldest daughter's house.
It's a dark room and it gets a little cramped when I bring all the things I think I might want to sew.
Unfortunately, I rarely get around to sewing everything I bring, but I drag it all with me just in case.

My other grandson, RJ, likes to hang out in my room while I sew.

The Tree Bird blog hop starts on Friday!


  1. Your elephant Parade Looks so nice, really, I love it!

  2. Thanks for the peek into your world...... Carol, I had to laugh at everything you bring with you....You must be like most all girls who pack ....I better take this I might need it....oh I better take this too, it might come in handy, sound familiar ? Besides, I bet your holding that new sweet baby boy instead of fabric !

  3. Love the ruffle and the girliness of the quilt. It's so nice you can find a little space to sew when you are visiting your family. I like the idea of taking it with you.

  4. The ruffle on the elephant quilt looks wonderful!

  5. I love the ruffles! What a great idea. I am working on a baby girl quilt for my niece right now that I may have to steal that idea for! I love the family planking fun, looks like something that would go on with my family! Good times.

  6. You have a nice bag to carry all your things around. I'm just like you, I always bring so much around, and often I just sew some hexies, ha-ha.

  7. Love the ruffles, and looking at all those boys all I can think of is poor mamma with all of that testosterone! How cute all the stuff you took to go visit, but visiting family is different than vacationing.

  8. Love your elephants and the ruffles. Great colors!

  9. well you know I love ruffles, and love the pic of the fam....what a great game, it do well for us all to practice now and then lol

  10. Such fun! It's so cute....great fabrics and the ruffles just makes it more delightful.

  11. Oooo! Love the ruffles! This is going to be the sweetest!

  12. Looks like fun. We want a pic of you planking.


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