Sunday, August 10, 2014

Project #2 Completed...Photo Shoot Time!

Luckily, I'm two down, one to go with my three projects for See You in September.
Project #1...completed and photos taken.
Project #2...completed and time for photos!

I can't show the project, but I can show the small adventure my hubby and I went on to get the photos.
We got up early and headed to a spot not too far from our house.
It was gorgeous and alive with the sounds of the desert.

We saw this lizard getting a little sun.

He/she began to look a little annoyed at me! I love the look he/she gave me.

These flowers were everywhere and totally dressed the desert up with their beauty.

I didn't wait around to see who or what might pop out of this hole. It could be a SNAKE!

This is the hubby going to great heights and risk-of-falling just for me to get a great shot of my quilt.
Really, I held my breath a few times and envisioned a trip to the ER (he just laughed at my worries.)
The explanation to the doctor might sound a little lame if the doc doesn't blog and quilt.
"He fell over the edge while climbing up high and over big rocks to help me take a picture of my quilt."
Sounds perfectly normal to me, but the doc might not think so!
Luckily, he exited the scene without a scratch or bump on the head. Whew!

Project #3 is getting close to being done. Just a few more weeks until...


  1. Great photos! Your lizard looks a little annoyed at you....:))

  2. Ohhh gosh how I love what our men will do for our seeing pics of where we all live...dessert I can't say I have ever seen one till now....and yes even in a dessert there are WHITE flowers lol...Lizards we don't have any of those....well at least not in our neighborhood( s) both of them..

  3. Looks like you and hubby are determined to get the perfect shot! Looking forward to seeing your quilts!

  4. Looks like your desert has had some rain...lots of color. Love that bee that has been incised ? In the concrete wall.

  5. Beautiful country! Love the lizard with attitude and the husband who gets the job done!

  6. Carol you have a wonderful husband to do that for you. Mine would say you want to what? where? :) I'm finished with my three for See you in September though I confess not all of them are big projects. One is....but other two were just fun things to do. I'm working on Rush Hour now and having lots of fun with that. Have a great week! blessings, marlene

  7. Morning Carol! What a great post. Your husband is a good sport, but it looks like he enjoys the clamoring up and over things. Here in Florida, lizards are around by the hundreds in our yards. We are so happy to have them to eat all the bugs! I do have my projects done, but no pictures taken yet. That is always such a difficult task for me, but I keep working on it, inspired by you and Samm and others. Have a great

  8. Wow, my hubby will do a lot for me but not sure he would have done this. He's a keeper and I can't wait to see the projects.

  9. Oh my the gorgeous colors of your desert. I am sure if I annoyed a lizard it would have jumped on me. I am just lucky that way.

  10. Hi!!!! Beautiful quilts and quilting!!!! Wow great hubby!!! Keep on having fun!!!!

  11. What is it about the Special men in our lives that will think nothing of going to great lengths for us?? I can honestly say my hubby would have done it too...whatever needs to be done will be done. Just Love it! Now for the lizard, maybe he wants to know where is his Quilt??

    Huggs, Nancy

  12. Oh man, those are some great pictures! WooHoo! Flip flops??? Glad he is okay climbing around to get those pics!

  13. Oh the things we do to take a picture of our quilts. That was a pretty view.
    And like you I wouldn't have stuck around either to see what comes out of that hole.


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