Friday, July 11, 2014

It's A Rush Hour New Blog Hop Alert!

Oh boy, oh boy...a new blog hop is in the works and I get to cheer it on!

Doesn't this button totally reflect how you feel when you're in the middle of rush hour traffic?
Love it!

Studio E Fabrics has a new line of fabric called "Rush Hour" and it is so very cool!

You don't have to use Rush Hour fabric to play along, but you can if you want to 
or just make something in black, white, red, and grey fabrics.

Rush over to Sew We Quilt for all the big details about joining this hop

Be sure to send me an email if you want to play along.


Email address
Blog name
Blog URL

Madame Samm dressed up my button for the Rush Hour hop...sweet!


  1. This sounds great and fabrics are wonderful, but I have 3 quilts shows and an 'airing of the quilts' venue in Sept/Oct - very booked and busy. I hope to stop in and browse all the wonders.

  2. Love your new button, and this fabric line is really great too!

  3. ohhh you look good..really good....not the top photo the bottom one...x

  4. Thanks, Carol, for cheering this one! ... :) Pat

  5. Congratulations on your new cheerleading hop. I shall enjoy the journey. Creative Stitching Bliss...


Comments are always appreciated!

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