Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Social Media Overload...Or Is It Just Me

I can't seem to keep up with all my favorite places to visit on the internet. This became even more evident while I was moving and when my laptop decided last week that it wanted to breakdown just a little (I only slightly melted down over this...okay, so maybe it was more than a little meltdown.)

In the beginning of my blogging life...
(This may have been just a "few" years before I started blogging,
but it was the first picture I used for my avatar.)

...I would go to my blog's dashboard to visit blogs so I could see what everyone was making or cooking. It was so easy to "follow" people around by clicking that cute little box with faces (I love that little box!) 
I always had lots of time to leave comments and enjoy reading the posts.


Facebook (great place to keep track of family and friends)
Instagram (love the pics that show up here)
Google+ (I'm struggling on how this works and haven't totally figured it out. yet)
Bloglovin' (a way to follow you around)
Feedly (another way to follow you around)
Twitter (never used this)
Pinterest (very addictive, but love it!)


I like simple.
I'm sure the overload thing is just me.
I'll try to get focused a little more and get used to the NEW technology stuff.

What is is simple for me? Visiting the blog hops.

Look who's hopping today:

November 26


  1. I have been having overload too. I created a rule for my inbox that Pinterest goes directly into a folder, as does Facebook if I have a spare minute or two I will go through a few of the posts, but otherwise, especially with the holidays! Oh my!

  2. Besides blogging, I have only succumbed to Pinterest. Thanks for the blog hop reminder. Off to make a few visits.....

  3. It isn't simple and it definitely is time consuming. I read way too many blogs which means I don't have time to comment. I've begun to wonder if it wouldn't be better to cut back on the number so I could really interact. But then who would I cut? I love them all! :) I tried Instagram for family but forget to open it, never used Twitter and don't plan to and I wish I had Google Reader back. I do not understand Google connect at all. :( blessings, marlene

  4. I read blogs now and spend all my time online and rarely get to create because of it.

  5. I was talking to my friends on Facebook this weekend and said it was kind of like being gorged out on a favorite food over time. there is so much to look at and do, that it can get overwhelming.

  6. Overload is not your problem alone, I have it too. I really miss our Google reader, it was much faster to read post. I feel a little burned out, but I am back in the sewing room but have not blogged in a month or so. A New Year is coming and things will be looking up and I will be sewing and blog with the rest of you.

  7. I agree with all of you and I would like to keep on but I am going to have to let some go but who. I wish I had four more hours in my day, but as Marlene said it is getting hard to comment and I miss that. I love you all. Blessings Sandra

  8. I agree! I thought the computer and internet was supposed to make life simpler and make it easier to connect with family, but all it does is isolate me from my hubby (as we sit, side by side in our chairs with our laptops on our laps) and suck up all my time! Yes, I do keep up with family flung all over the place, but a phone call would work as well. But I love the blogs I follow...and I miss google reader and hate bloglovin :( At least I get you in my email box and so I do actually read your posts!!!

  9. I'm like you, I follow and look but don't comment much...but I love everybody ! Not much facebook or Piterest, no tweeting, email and bloglovin is about it. Someday's I look up and think, crap I could have sewed something if I hadn't been on this computer all this time.

  10. I agree. If one spends all their time on all the social sites they have no time for LIFE and would have nothing to be social about.

    I do love blog hops and meeting new people, but blogging has also brought me new friends I like to keep up with.

  11. I have yet to get into any of those other places and I don't see me doing it anytime soon. I have enough trouble keeping up with blog reading and I'd rather be sewing or doing things with my kidlets than spending it on the computer.

  12. I know, there's so much to see, read & do and still live your life :). Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Comments are always appreciated!

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