Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just Have A Happy Easter!

May your day be filled with peace, love, family,
and maybe a purple Peep or two....or three.


  1. Happy Easter to you, Carol! Don't eat too many of those purple peeps!!

  2. That is a really neat rabbit, wonderful folk art piece.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.


  3. Ahhh I just got home ....of course while flying back..I caught the pilot off guard when I burst out laughing....what a great pic....He said...." YOU have odd friends" and we both laughed....we landed safely...
    happy easter sweetie...

  4. That is one good lookin' Easter Bunny! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  5. LOve your Easter bunny and those peeps of course :-)


Comments are always appreciated!

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