Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Box, Etc., Etc., Etc.

This is THE BOX that will hold my
Follower's Giveaway Gift.
It's a small box, 6x6x6, but I promise it will hold
special gifts just for the winner.
I've started to fill it with goodies.
That's a cute pair of tweezers at the bottom of the box.
She won't be lonely for long! 

This is a snippet of a gift that will be mailed out today.
I can't show it all, yet, because then it wouldn't be
a SURPRISE to the receiver. 


Have you signed up for In Your Words? I did!
Madame Samm has a cute little sign to add words to.
I used Picasa to make my signs.


I hear that the Nancy Drew 
yardage fabric is available here:


  1. Fat Quarter Shop does indeed have Nancy Drew fabric. I ordered mine yesterday!!

  2. I need to get some packages out today and hopefully find some time to finish my things. My husband goes in for hernia surgery next week, so i want to have everything done this week.


  3. I'm so far behind Carol....oh my goodness I must get crackin' as my dad would have said. :) blessings, marlene

  4. Thanks for the Nancy Drew fabric update. I'm going over there next to order mine!

  5. What a pretty little box. Christmas is going to come much too fast this month....can we back up the calendar? Pretty please?

  6. Such a happy little post..with such happy words and a very interesting box!

  7. I just want the box..if the goodies come in the box..bonus lol....
    oh and thanks for the update I am working on my Nancy Drew projects lol

  8. The flu has stopped me dead in my tracks for a couple of days. I need to get back to those Christmas gifts I am making! Thanks for the Nancy Drew fabric information!

  9. The tweezers are so darn cute the I just have to ask where you got them. Can't wait to see what gets put in to keep her company.

  10. Looking forward to the followers giveaway. How do you sign up for the sign?

  11. That looks like a delightful box of happy! :)

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. That IS one pretty tweezer. If the box is filled to keep her company there is going to be a BIG box of party.

  13. Love the sweet tweezers, she could come live with me! I actually have her sister scissors. Thanks for the Nancy Drew update. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  14. I'm following by email and can't wait for the Nancy Drew blog hop OR the words one!


Comments are always appreciated!

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