Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Followers! Giveaway! Has Ended

The Follower's Giveaway has ended

Way back in March 2008 I started my blog, Just Let Me Quilt, to
have a place to keep track of the few-and-far-between sewing projects I created.

I had some loyal family members and friends who felt sorry for me so they

I quickly learned that FOLLOWERS motivated me.

Being a FOLLOWER has never been a requirement to enter my 

it is a requirement to be a FOLLOWER if you want to enter my 

I am so grateful to the few people who want to come back to visit me and I know that if they are following me, they will know about this extra little giveaway via their email, blogger dashboard, or Google Reader.

This giveaway is my way of saying, "Thank You" for coming back.

All you have to do is:

Be a FOLLOWER (by email counts.)
(You can become one right now if you want to be a part of this giveaway.)
Leave one very short and sweet comment
(make sure you let me know if you follow by email since your
little picture won't show up in my Follower box.)
Only one entry per person.
The Follower's Giveaway will end on December 8th at 6 p.m. PST
(comments left after that time won't count)
Make sure I have your email address or you can't win
I'll ship Internationally.


It's a Christmas gift so I can't tell you what it is.
Hopefully, you'll like it because I have a no exchange or return policy.
Just re-wrap it and re-gift it if you don't like it. LOL!

P. S. I'll post what the "PRIZE" is after I have a winner.


  1. Oh, that's funny about your return policy. I am a google reader follower.

  2. Oh I love surprises! Thanks so much! I am a happy follower and love to read your posts!

  3. I love surprises!!! But! You have to promise to show us all when you pick a winner what the prize is... deal? Thanks for the chance, I am a follower.

  4. I'm a follower. And I'm wondering what the suprise might be! Whatever it is, I'm sure it's a keeper!

  5. I had to laugh when I read about starting your blog and your only followers were family and close friends! I started mine just recently and my brother, 2 sisters, daughter and best friend were my only followers for quite awhile. I finally joined the U R Priceless Blog Hop to gain a few non-relatives! I happily follow yours! Merry Christmas!

  6. I'm a follower via Google and love that you're doing a surprise gift. Please let us know what it is when you pick the winner.

  7. I like your return policy for gifts.

  8. Don't know why I wasn't a follower before because I love your blog but hooray I am one now.

  9. I have been following you for all your fun! Thanks

  10. Oh Carol, you know I would follow you anywhere, even without the temptation of a giveaway! I love to see what you are up to, and you are always so gracious and generous to your followers. Thanks for the chance and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  11. LOL I love your 'no exchange policy'. :-) Thank you for the giggle! I am a happy follower.

  12. Carol, I love following your blog. It inspires me and makes me tired. I would love one of your gifts. You have wonderful prizes and great FINISHED projects. Oh, maybe it's one of your finished projects! I would love that! rayspools at the old aol.

  13. Hey, I follower your blog. I just love the name of your blog and that's what sucked me in.

  14. Surprises are always fun. I love being able to follow blogs so I can keep up with the latest news and inspiration.


  15. I am a follower. Thanks for being sweet and having a follower give away.

  16. I'm a happy follower, love surprises and appreciate your generosity! Enjoy your weekend :o)

  17. Carol I can't remember when I started following you but it was some time ago. I have you in my Reader so I won't miss one. :) It's almost time for me to have a Follower Giveaway too - so glad you're doing this so I'll remember! blessings, marlene

  18. Happy follower of your blog here!

  19. I'm a happy follower :D I am very curious on the mystery gifts :D

  20. Ohhhhhh I so love surprises!! Although, I was one of "those" children who always shook the packages trying to determine what was in them. My mother scolded me more times than I have fingers and toes over that! ha!

    I LOVE your Christmas banner!

  21. Some gifts are meant to be enjoyed for a while and then be passed along. Let's hop together next year, too.

  22. Your talent and insight, creativity and drive keep me coming back for more. And let's not forget your impeccable cheerleading skills ;)
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  23. I've got you on my blogroll and didn't realize I wasn't a follower.
    Just signed via email (laura84watt). Thanks for a chance.

  24. Carol, I knew after my very first visit to your blog that I wanted to become a follower, and I have not been disappointed. ~karen

  25. A Xmas surprise. Lovely. I follow via e-mail and just signed on via goggle. Love your cheerful blog.

  26. A mystery giveaway - how fun!! I follow you through RSS feed (Google Reader). Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I am a follower. It is Dec. 1 and I think you are getting into the Christmas spirit by having this giveaway. thanks for a chance.

  28. Ha, ha, ha, or is that ho, ho, ho. The giveaway's a secret cuz it's a Chritmas present! Just tooo cute!! Of course, I'm a follower, and a short and sweet one to boot! lol

  29. I am a follower and enjoy reading your blog. Very sweet of you to have a surprise giveaway. Who doesn't love a surprise!

  30. Hi!! I am a follower and always enjoy my visits!!!

  31. I'm a long-time follower and love surprises. Can't wait to see what you've chosen for your giveaway.

  32. Ooohhhh! A surprise Christmas gift, thats just the best! I am a happy follower...Thanks for the giveaway!
    Merry Christmas!

  33. Love the idea of a surprise gift. Thanks for the chance to win, I am a happy GFC follower

  34. Love surprises! Happy Follower!

  35. I follow you and I don't even have to...but I love surprises like everyone else...and because I can always count on you for a chuckle or two...that is why I am here lol. I like to laugh with you ...

  36. I'm already a follower through google but also through email, so I can't miss a message :-)
    Love you return polity. Enjoy the holiday season !!

  37. I've been a follower for a while, and I like your surprises, like this. Warm greetings from a cold Norway.

  38. I am a happy follower via email! Thanks for the pleasure!

  39. I'm a follower :) Thanks for the giveaway and having a blog to follow!

  40. I am a follower and I love surprises. I check your sight every time something is posted. I have learned so much from all the ones I follow. Glad I started blogging.

  41. I am a follower via google. I found your blog not very long ago, and decided to stick around ;) Seems I've been doing more reading, then blogging myself lately. lol. cheers!

  42. I'm a follower via Google, have been for many months now... I really enjoy your creataivity, and your blog/writing style... and, I learn a good bit this way!

  43. I am a follower via email. I am so thankful for your you have launched at least a 1000 creative daydreams and encouraged countless wonderful projects. Keep up the great work!!! A new year is coming and I for one am looking forward to some delightful sewing adventures :)

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  44. oh Carol that is so funny. No return policy, since when do people want to return prizes?
    I love reading your blog through reader or the good old 'click'.

  45. I'm a follower via blogger dashboard. I love reading all your fun stuff. Thank you for having a blog and sharing with us all.

    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  46. It's so sweet of you to have a follower give away. I started following you by email recently and have really enjoyed seeing what you have made. Thanks so much!

  47. I'm an email follower and I'm so glad that I found your blog. I just love the Blog Hops! Wonderful eye candy and inspiration to be creative. I've even participated in a couple. Thanks for the prize.

  48. I'm a follower - receiving posts by email. Thanks for the chance to win the surprise.

  49. Google Reader Follower. I am new to blogging and agree that it is a real motivation to get something done. I have participated in several Madame Samm blog hops and now have 25 followers....whooohooo!

  50. I am an email and Google friend follower, both. Love your blog.

  51. Thanks you.I`m a happy follower and don´t remember when I star to follow you.I enjoy your blog.

  52. Carol great minds think alike, because I just recently posted a giveaway for my followers too. Plus I started my blog in March 2008 also! Maybe it's a sign, lol!
    I do follow thumbnail photo is somewhere amongst your followers. Thanks Carol and here's to many more years of blogging and more followers too.

  53. I'm already a follwer! Thanks for a chance to win in your giveaway!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  54. I am a follower by email and google reader LOL

  55. I am a follower by email and by google reader. Don't want to miss a post. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw. Love surprises.

  56. I'm a new follower via GFC. Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  57. I follow you via e-mail so I don't miss a thing! Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  58. I follow you on Google friend connect. And I love surprises too!

  59. I'm a follower by e-mail and I love your posts. Thanks for your mystery giveaway.

  60. I'm a follower by Google, I think. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks, Nancy P.

  61. I'm a follower via email. So glad that I found your blog some time ago.

  62. I'm in! (short & sweet enough?!?)

  63. I am a follower by email. Cute idea of not saying what the giveaway is as it is a Christmas surprise but could you please let the rest of us know later what we missed out on. Thanks.

  64. Oh yeah--a surprise! I follow via email mscmom at hotmail dot com. Thanks!

  65. Oh, great a surprise present! Will it be wrapped? DH & I are in our 60's and to explain to him what I want & what online store to go to is more than he can deal with. We live in Mexico now and I haven't found a fabric store that carries a variety of cotton fabric yet alone batting etc. So I would love a surprise gift.
    I follow via email.

  66. White Elephants are the pest! Thanks! I follow via Google Reader.

  67. I follow via the Blogger dashboard.


  68. Carol, I'd follow to end of the world girl,,, that email like to have made me jump out of my chair ! I will probably see you on blogger later, I just havent gotten that far ! I am sure the surprise will be treasured..

  69. A surprise is a wonderful idea especially this time of year! Congrats on your blogging. I am a follower with GFC!

  70. thanks for the chance. I'm a follower

  71. I am still enjoying your post by email, along with my morning coffee! Happy Holidays!

  72. I'm a follower! carrie dot hare at gmail dot com

  73. I'm a google follower, thanks!


  74. I love your blog and am so glad I am a follower. I only wish I had known about it all along!

  75. I'm a follower with bloglovin', and am so happy Madam Samm pointed me in your direction! Thanks for the giveaway.

  76. I'm an email your blog and the 8th is my birthday...just sayin' :0)

  77. Follow via gfc, and love reading blogs. Have been following since the spring time of 2012.

  78. Hi! Following! I'm not a quilter yet. But I am getting my feet wet. I bought a book. Pinned several quilts I like and bought all the fabric I need for the backs of the quilts. It's not much but it's a start. :)

  79. love your return
    I love being a follower always lots of inspiration here

  80. I follow your wonderful blog through RSS. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. Of course I'm a follower, and I think your surprise idea is a fun one :)

  82. What a give away, I have been following for a year now and love what you have inspired me to do and hop along with other bloggers. I am a google reader follower and will follow you anywhere.

  83. I am a follower. I love reading your blog! Thank you for a chance at a super surprise. Who doesn't love a surprise?

  84. What a wonderful sounding giveaway!!! I would be do honored!!!! Count me in on all the fun!!!!

    Many blessings to you,


Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...