Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bowls With Borders--August 14th

It’s so exciting!
ALL these bowls are just


There's more....check out these bowls:
August 14th

Jane's Quilting

P.S. There were several "no-reply" blogger
comments left on my blog yesterday.
Just so you know, you missed a big
 "thank you" from me because
I couldn't reply if you didn't
leave me an email address!
Just saying.....

Don't forget my giveaway!
(Click on the ladies to get there-
it's at the bottom of that post):
Be sure to hop over to Sew We Quilt to visit Madame Samm and see her top picks of the day.

All the blocks will be posted on
Madame Samm's Pinterest page, too.

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Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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