Wednesday, March 15, 2023

New Blog Hop Coming - Rose Colored Glasses

Are you a "Rose Colored Glasses" kind of person? 
Do you think things are better than they really are? 
Do you think positive most of the time? 

I'm usually a glass-half-empty kind of gal, but I'm all for having a blog hop with that name!

What's the challenge?
Your sewn project must have one or more of the following:

Rose/pink fabric
Positive Words

Let me know if you want to play along by sending me an email.

Next week is the "Little Green Apples" blog hop. It's a big one that's full of some
amazing and creative bloggers/quilters/friends. Be sure to check it out starting Monday!

1 comment:

  1. lol I'm with you; glass half-empty POV. But the hop sounds great and I'm signing up.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...