Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Day Three Of Little Green Apples And Why To Join Blog Hops

Another day of green and apples in this month's challenge, "Little Green Apples." many incredibly talented people sharing their creations!


Creatin' in the Sticks shared her awesome green scrappy quilt that was quilted
with shamrocks. She also showed off some of her quilt photo adventures with me.

Quilted Delights sewed up the coolest and cutest green bags!
She said they are easy and would make great gifts.

Karrin's Crazy World gathered up the courage to pull out her apple core pieces from long,
long ago and sew them together. They look amazing! Way to go, Karrin!

The Quiltery (For the Love of Geese) made an adorable green puff quilt and a quilt full of jars 
with fruits and veggies in them. Looks more fun than slaving over a hot stove canning things!

Vroomans Quilts never disappoints with her use of scraps in quilts. All those tiny squares
she had in her stash became a beautiful quilt. She's the queen of scraps!

The Quilted Snail had three quilt tops she'd had waiting to finish for five years. She finished them!
They all came from a bag of scraps she!

Homespun Hannah made a wall hanging of big green apples. It looked amazing!

Joyful Quilter got into sewing green for this challenge. She made so many amazing mug rugs!

So, what's the big deal about our challenges and blog hops 
and why should you join in?

You'll meet people with the same love of sewing as you.

Even if you don't have a blog, leaving comments makes someone feel good.

You will get ideas about projects that you hadn't thought of.

Tutorials always show up somewhere in these hops, so you can learn new things.

All those things you sew like quilts and bags, can have their day to show off on your blog.

You'll make friends that you might just get to meet like I did recently.
Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks and her husband, Daryl, came to LV twice for a visit.
We had such fun!

Ready to make seam rippers during the first visit!

Hanging out with cowboys on the second visit.

Husbands add to the meeting and gaining friends thing that blog hopping can give you.

We also took our kayaks out for some wet adventures.
Carla and Daryl did most of the kayaking.

Please take the time to visit these blogs to see how they met the "Little Green Apple" challenge.
They are all amazing!


  1. I am really enjoying this blog hop, Carol. Thank you for hosting!

  2. I never tire of looking at the pictures of our adventures together. I will miss seeing you for awhile. The last month was so much fun. I need to work a little bit so I can come back!!!!


Comments are always appreciated!

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