Wednesday, March 8, 2023

My Day On Dust Off A Quilt Book Blog Hop

Bea at Beaquilter is hosting her annual blog hop called, "Dust Off A Quilt Book" that got a lot of us sneezing as we searched through those old dusty quilt books we've held on to FOREVER. I got rid of most of my books when I moved. Luckily, I held on to a few of them.

I have a thing for Art Deco/Art Nouveau type things, so I had held on to this quilt book. It was time to blow off that dust and crack it open!

By Bea Oglesby - Published in 2006

The quilt on the book cover is the one I liked best.

The directions were okay, but I failed to think about reversing the pattern I traced.
I admit, I am terrible about reading directions. I'd rather follow the picture.
Which is what I ended up doing. I think it was just fine backwards!

What Defines Art Nouveau? "Art Nouveau was a compelling and energetic style in the visual arts which spanned from around the early 1890s to the First World War. Art Nouveau artists, inspired by plant forms and nature, took organic subjects and flattened and abstracted them into sophisticated, sinuous and flowing motifs."

This is one of my favorite Art Nouveau paintings, "Woman in Gold". There is a movie about it which stars Helen Mirren, and the story is fascinating. "Woman in Gold" was a painting of Adele Bloch-Bauer who was painted by Gustav Klimt. It was stolen by the Nazis and the movie tells the story of how it gets returned to her family. Robert Kaufman just released some Klimt fabric. It's gorgeous!

My grandson held my quilt in front of my Art Deco cabinet. It's nice having him around!

I wish I could say I'm a master at free motion quilting, but other than a meandering stitch, I need guidance of some sort. This time I used my chalk stencils. It was fun doing the clam shell stitch! 

Fabrics: Moda Grunge from my stash.

Check out all the other dusty book projects that were made:

Have you participated in our Sew It-Show It Challenge/hops?  
Come on and join in on the fun! Here are our themes for this year.

Sign-ups are announced about 2 months prior to the start. You can read all about them HERE
You can even download the schedule HERE and start making your plans!

April brings us Joan at Moosestash Quiliting...

There's still room if you're interested.
You can read more on it HERE
Just drop Joan an email with "SAY WHAT" in the subject line and the following information:


  1. Great quilt, Carol! No one would know it was backwards if they didn't see the pattern. :)

  2. Wow, that's gorgeous, and backwards makes no difference. I love the way you quilted it, too. Beautiful work!

  3. Wow, wow, wow! You really went all out on this beauty. Your clam shell quilting is perfect for this design and the photo of your piece of art in from of your cabinet is perfect! Sadly, I am one of those who doesn't really read directions on pattern much anymore either! LOL!!

  4. That is a great quilt, Carol! I am much like me a pic and let me make my own rules! LOL Your clam shell quilting looks great in this piece! Backwards, forwards, either way it's a beauty!

  5. It's a beauty Carol. I love following along with what everyone is doing. Thanks

  6. I love your little quilt - and the historical info too!

  7. Oh wow! That would make a spectacular art piece for the wall! Your FMQ looks wonderful to me. Before I had my LA, I sure would have liked that stencil/chalk method! Thank you for sharing this!

  8. That is a gorgeous quilt. You did great with your quilting...however we do it and get it done works for me! I have used chalk and stencils many a time. It works and is relatively fast. Nice to have a quilt-holder helper in the house.

  9. Love, love, love this little beauty! The quilting enhances it wonderfully! I use chalk and stencils...great tools! :)

  10. Beautiful quilt and lovely quilting! I often don't pay much attention to instructions and end up with designs reversed too! Great work!

  11. It is a beautiful finish. The fmq is great, wish I were that good, my hands and arms get jerky. When will signups begin for the April hop?

  12. That is just stunning! love the tiny clamshells! Have you seen these sites where people have recreated art pieces with stuff around the house or more modern stuff, I think I have seen the picture above recreated. I'll look for the site and let you know.

  13. That really beautiful, Carol. I’m the same way about directions, but this looks perfect from both directions. Love your quilting too.

  14. Your art deco quilt is lovely! Thanks for sharing with us.

  15. Carol this is gorgeous! It looks beautiful against that Art Deco cabinet, and your clam shell stitching looks perfect on it. I am the very same way about directions, thank you for sharing that - makes me feel better - lol!

  16. Backwards or not - it turned out beautiful!!! And the quilting ... it's perfect! :-)

  17. Oh wow, you made a stunning mini quilt! I love it! And the background photo is very appropriate ;)

  18. Your little quilt is gorgeous. And it must be the way I am wired but the original looks backwards to me. I have always found it more appealing when things open up to the right.


Comments are always appreciated!

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