Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Beach Girl Betty Is Ready For The Beach

Beach Girl Betty is ready for some play time at the beach and hanging out with Beach Boy Freddie. They are quite the pair and turn heads wherever they go! 

Beach Girl Betty is a wall hanging that measures 15″ x 23″. You can find the pattern for her HERE.

You can find Beach Boy Freddie HERE in a previous ThermOWeb post. 

It's always fun designing projects for ThermOWeb just because their products make it so easy. 

Crafter's Edge cutting dies made it a quick and easy task to cut out the letters for BEACH GIRL. I love easy!

You can read more about Beach Girl Betty on the ThermOWeb blog today HERE.

Check out "Born to be Wild" blog hop, too!



  1. She is wild and crazy. Love her! I sure like those letters too. I'm getting some in my next shipment. Will work on getting the rest as the year goes on. :)

  2. Freddie was so great and now Betty, what a cute couple! Freddie & Betty, I love them.


Comments are always appreciated!

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