Sunday, December 6, 2020

New Blog Hop Announcement - Hearts On Fire

We are all hoping that 2021 brings a lot more cheery news than what we've had, but our little virtual quilting world has remained pretty much the same with a little peace, inspiration, and love. Thank goodness for all of you because you make my life so much better!

Ready for a new blog hop! This one is called "Hearts on Fire" and it will start January 18th and end on January 22nd in 2021.

The Challenge and Rules:

Make something with a heart in any color, BUT NOT RED...get creative!
It can be big or small, in a quilt, a bag, or whatever.
Post your heart project on your assigned day.
Be nice and comment on other blogs during the hop.
Have a giveaway, don't have a giveaway. It's entirely up to you.

Email me with your name, email address, blog name, and blog URL.
I'll email you back with a date for your post...just let me know if the date works for you.
Above all, we need to have fun and enjoy our time together!

I love this quote!

Blog hops are an easy way to find new blogs and make friends with people who love fabric. I have some friends I've met through blog hops who have been in my life for a long time. Meeting them in person or talking to them on the phone has been an added treasure. I love them!

Come join the fun!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...