Tuesday, December 22, 2020

HO HO HO Christmas Pennant Banner

I haven't done very much Christmas decorating for the last five or six years, but being closer to family has definitely brought out the Christmas spirit in me! I have lighted trees, nativities, snowmen, Christmas quilts (of course), and wrapped presents under the tree. I'm so ready for Christmas!

Crafter's Edge Flag Pennant and letters were just the perfect tools for me to add some more Christmas spirit to my front door. It's HO HO HO time! Plus, those letters are all on sale!

The Flag Pennant has two flags that measure 5 1/2" and 7 1/2" long that can be used together or separately. Red and white felt was used for the HO HO HO pennants.

You'll need an "H" and an "O" for the fabric HO HO HO's.

To use the dies you'll need the Crossover II cutter or you can get an adapter to use the dies on your Accuquilt cutter. Either way, the dies are amazing! The cutting edge is not sharp at all, so no risk of cutting your fingers.

The letters and pennant were even easier to put together with no-sew Heat n Bond Ultrahold. Just iron the adhesive to the wrong side of fabric/felt. 

The flag pennant is placed on a fold before running through the machine to cut.

You end up with a full flag after cutting.

I love using my Oliso Mini Project Iron to press the two layers together.

Next, iron the adhesive to the wrong side of fabric for the letters.

Place the letter die on the protective paper side of the adhesive. This is important because the letters would be the wrong way if you cut on the right side of fabric. (This isn't so true with the H or O, but it would be with a letter like an R.)

Press the fabric letters on to the flag's right side.

Use bias tape or ribbon to create the string for hanging. Space the letters evenly apart. Clip or pin in place.

Sew the bias tape or ribbon in place, sewing close to edge. If you don't want to sew, use a fabric glue or hot glue gun to hold the tape/ribbon in place.

As an option, fabric strips can be tied between the flags. Crafter's Edge has a die cutter that's perfect for this! These ties were made by cutting 1" strips in 20" lengths and knotting them between the O and H, and on the ends. 

Mickey is ready for Christmas with his Santa hat and HO HO HO flag pennant! 

Creating and cutting with Crafter's Edge dies is so fun!

Merry Christmas and wishes to you and your family to have peace and joy.


  1. Very festive! I really like the holly on black fabric. It works so well for the letters.

  2. Great little project! I did a little decorating in Maine, but was defeated in our apartment...not willing to get the box down from on high! Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Comments are always appreciated!

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