Thursday, September 12, 2019

Block Four Of Therm O Web's Halloween Sew Along

Today is the last day of Therm O Web's Halloween Chills and Thrills Sew Along.
They're releasing four blocks in four days and they are all free. On September 24th
there will be a project released to use the blocks. You can still get "Frankie", "The Count",
and "Wanda Witch" by visiting the Therm O Web blog HERE.

This guy is being released today and he looks a little excited and crazy about Halloween.
Meet "Peter Pumpkin" the last block in this sew along.
You can find him at the Therm O Web blog HERE.

Supplies I used:

Heat n Bond EZ Print Lite Sheets – You’ll love these for applique because they are so easy. 
Just run the sheets through your inkjet printer and they are ready for ironing on your fabric.

Aurifil Thread – This thread is amazing for sewing. The applique blocks in these projects were 
sewn using 28 wt thread, but 40wt or 50wt works, too. Use the 50wt thread for sewing seams.

  Oliso Iron – The newest iron by Oliso is their Mini Project Iron. 
It’s perfect for any ironing project!


  1. I think Wanda may have some trouble with this guy. Love his candle and 8 legged buddy.

  2. He's very cute. I like the candle inside of him too.

  3. This one is so crazy scary. Love it, in fact they are all over the top awesome!

  4. Love all the crazy Halloween jack-o-lanterns.

  5. The last day???? We want it to go on forever!
    :-) Another fun Carol Creation!

  6. I absolutely could NOT keep back a smile when I looked at your pumpkin! That pumpkin face fabric really shows what a difference a fabric makes in the overall look of something. He would be adorable with any orange fabric, but that one really adds whimsey and Halloween weirdness! Thanks so much for this last pattern of the four. I look forward to seeing your finished project. I don't know if I'll get them made for this year, but I really have to make them!

  7. Love, love, love all your projects, Carol! And love seeing the Monkey Boys having fun! Looking forward to your blog hop next month! I have to get busy! LOL


Comments are always appreciated!

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