Friday, April 6, 2018

Sewing And Buffalo Adventures In The Park

I've been busy sewing for things to come and even took a little adventure
outing to take pics of those sewn projects. I ran into this interesting and artsy
buffalo while taking photos at a Utah park. He's sporting some fancy artwork!

There were flowers blooming, too...must be time for spring!

There were lots of bronze statues in the park. This guy looked pretty amazing!

I remember this flood and was grateful for all those who helped.

See, I am sewing...


  1. Like that Buffalo, We do the same with horses here. I going to sew some myself. Right now!

  2. Love that buffalo. I remember when Chicago had cows all over town. It looks like it was a fun outing for you.

  3. We all need to pause once in awhile to enjoy the lovely places around us. I bet you captured some great project pictures there too. Love the park pictures. Now, get to sewing...

  4. The buffalo is awesome. I wonder if there are more around town. We all need a break to get out and about.

  5. Your last photo left me with a giggle!!! Getting out and about is so much fun! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. Buffalo Art is really fun. I love seeing your adventures and photos. Pouring rain here today and tomorrow. Flooding is predicted but not for right here thank goodness. Spring is Near...<3

  7. Lucky you, living in St. George! I love that place. I see you are sewing! =)


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