Sunday, April 29, 2018

Being Ahead Of The Game Worked Out Big Time For Me

I've always been a bit of a worrier about not being on time with projects, so I sometimes
finish projects weeks ahead of due dates and even get my posts ready early.
Being ahead of the game worked out big time for me.
I got sick...ugh!

It's lasted almost two weeks and if it weren't for my hubby making sure I
was fed and hydrated, it would have been ugly for me.
My sister jumped in with her silver cough drops, honey, tea, Vicks, Essential Oils, etc.
Thank goodness for their help!

The saddest thing for me was not being able to meet Collette from "What About Rheema."
She was driving through town and we'd planned to connect. Didn't happen!
Maybe another time...

Luckily, I had almost all my deadlines met until early May. Whew!
Sometimes my neurotic worries works out for me.

I'd already finished these two when I got sick...
The 30 Blocks in 30 Days Quilts for Creatin' In The Sticks

These are coming in the next week or so...

May 1st "It's A Wild Life" BOM

May 2nd Therm O Web Baby Gift Idea

May 7th X Blocks Blog Hop

There's the "Wish Upon A Star" blog hop coming, too.
I've got the quilt top made...yay!

The "Christmas in July" blog hop has a few openings if you want to play along.
Nope, I haven't started this one yet but I'm thinking!

I'm starting to feel sort of back to normal (whatever that is) and maybe can start
sewing again. It's been so long and I have so many beautiful fabrics calling my name!

Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home when you're sick.
Stay healthy!


  1. Good to hear you are feeling better, Carol. Your projects have been wonderful. I am glad you had them ready so you could rest and heal.

    I worry about deadlines all the time, too, and sometimes I am ahead and sometimes I am all last minute. It is not really that I procrastinate. I ruminate. I do a lot of sewing in my head and the image changes and the project gets improved by those little changes. Oddly, I think my best work is done when I work right up until the deadline. I do not enjoy the last minute stress about finishing, though.

    I do also sometimes get distracted when my quilty muse has idea that I have to sew right that minute. I enjoy those spontaneous sewing minutes too much to let them get plowed under by The Plan.

    Wish I could find a good balance. More than likely I will just carry on ... ;) Pat

  2. Sorry to hear you were under the weather but glad to hear you are on the mend. Do you need some Bullie slobber to rub on your face. It really works. I can bottle some up and send it to you. It sounds like that was the only thing your sister missed. Where would we be without them (the sisters not the bullies, wait maybe both). I'm working on Christmas this afternoon, I finished the star piece but still need to do the write up. Feel better, hugs from me and the girls.

  3. Hi Carol,
    I noticed that I hadn't had an email from you in a while. I am so sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly. I hope your sissy and DH have you back on the mend now. I always worry about my deadlines, too. In fact, that's why I came to visit your website - to check on the dates for the Christmas in July blog hop. I can't say I'm sorry that it toward the end of July!! Feel better friend - get lots of fluids, rest as much as you can and know that I'm sending you healing thoughts. From a great distance, but they are heartfelt nevertheless. {{Hugs}}
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. So sorry to know that you have been ill, but am happy you are on the mend. I was down and out for two weeks so I know what you went through. It took a while for me to get my energy back. Just get lots of rest and take it easy for a while.

  5. I am happy to know you are better! I hate being sick. Do not get sick any more Carol. Your quilts are so cute. You are the applique Queen.

  6. So sorry you’ve been sick and glad you’re feeling better! I love your two finishes, very, VERY much!

  7. Hi Carol,

    So glad that you're feeling better! It is NOT fun to be sick, but nice to have things in order so you don't have deadlines to worry with. I've been a bit under the weather as well- allergies, again.

    Happy quilting,

  8. I know exactly how you were feeling. I got some kind of a bug and it hung around for five weeks. I dud some sewing but my heart sure wasn’t in it. Glad you are feeling better. Keep away from those bugs.

  9. Oh Carol, I am glad you are feeling better. I am just recovering from the gunk too. The fevers, aches and cough lasted forever.

    Glad that you were on top of things, but I am sorry that you missed meeting up with Colette. Stay well.

  10. I'm glad you are feeling better I'm not quite as good with the deadlines as you but the wish upon a star blog hop has got me really focussed on that project. It's coming along nicely .

  11. So sorry you have been sick, love the beautiful quilts.


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