Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sewing, Bugs, And A Spider

I have always been fascinated with taking pictures of bugs.
In reality, I hate bugs and scream like a girl when one surprises me.

This guy (or maybe gal) was trying to work its way into my garage.
I told it, "No, absolutely not!" It was about 2" long...yikes!

This spider was hanging around my tomato plants when I went to pick a zucchini.

It was gathering dinner for itself.

The zucchini has been plentiful this year.

When I'm not out seeking creepy critters, I do take time to do some sewing.
These two snippets are for the August and September Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM.

After doing a little shopping in Vegas, I came home with this kit from Moda.

I rarely buy kits but after seeing this made up and hanging on the quilt store's wall,
I had no choice but to buy it. It was calling my name!
I've started cutting out the pieces...the Moda fabrics are beautiful!

Take time for yourself and sew, sew, sew!


  1. ROFL scream like a girl? You and your creepy crawly friends. Here is your chuckle for the day. There is a frog that is determined to live in my pool. He has been evicted many times. Yesterday I was floating around, enjoying the cool water, and what lands on my shoulder but said frog of multiple evictions. I will say that I ended up flipping off the float. Frog was evicted once more to the pond on the other side of the house. Cute kit. I should consider doing some sewing. Nope too hot.

  2. I hate spiders and spider pictures...screaming like a girl as I see yours...even yellow spiders are bad...look forward to seeing your shirts :)

  3. Yikes the bug looks a little scary. The spider looks like a golden orb or something like that? My niece had one and she said they are good..ok?!

  4. Those are some pretty creepy looking insects! Better you than me.

    Love those cute Hawaiian shirts. I can't wait to see it finished.

  5. I am the same way, I love taking photos, just don't crawl on me or come in the house, lol.
    Those shirts looks so fun and it would be fun to use old shirts in it.


  6. Take my time.... wouldn't it be nice if we had a sewing hammock? okay just kidding.
    I am taking my time. Mr. Rogers told me to do that many years ago, God bless him.
    I would have bought the kit too.
    Our silly hubbies have. no. idea. hahaha
    keep sewing. It does keep us out of other mischief. I mean, we could be in jail
    Stay cool. It is a toaster here. Thank God for AC

  7. Oh, that Hawaiian shirt quilt kit is sooooo cute! I can't blame you for buying that :)

    Your insect photos are very good. As long as I don't find big bugs on my boat, I enjoy look at them.

  8. I am not a fan of any bugs...especially large scary ones like yours!!! Very cute kit you acquired. Keep cool and enjoying glorious Summer Sunshine...<3

  9. I do not like bugs, spiders and other icky creepy crawlies. As long as they are outside and not bothering me, I let them live. But in my house they are on death row.

  10. I love bugs and spiders! But not when they surprise me, for sure. Your pics are great! So are your more recent projects!


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