Wednesday, April 22, 2015

There Was Purple So I Had To Stop And Sew

I was moving around and sorting some fabric that has been multiplying like the Star Trek Tribbles,
when I noticed a small container of fabric that I didn't remember I had. It was purple!
I envisioned another Dresden quilt and that did it! I stopped what I was doing and went to sew.
My fabric can be sorted and moved around another day!
After a little over an hour I had it cut out and some pieces sewn.

 Apparently, my attention span is rather short these days because while sewing I looked out
the window and saw that we had some new yellow flowers blooming in the yard.
I stopped sewing and went to take pictures of them. The Dresden can wait!

I'm loving this warmer weather and all the beauty its bringing!

I had a blast at the local quilt show that was held over the weekend. There were some amazing quilts
on display, some that I wouldn't ever, ever, ever take on. Wowzers! Some of them were incredible!
I spent Friday at the show with Barbara, who won 1st place in the modern quilt category.
Way to go, Barbara! Congratulations!
She was in the Rush Hour blog hop with this quilt...see it and her story about the quilt HERE.

I ran into Deonn from Quiltscapes (I love that lady!) and she gave me a signed copy of
the magazine with her quilt pattern in it. I HAVE to sew this cute baby! Thanks, Deonn!

I went back to the quilt show on Saturday and hung out with my best friend, Brenda.
She spent Friday night at my house and we stayed up really late just chatting.
We've been friends for over 30 years, so we never run out of things to talk about!
Thanks, Brenda, for the best time I've had in a long time!

I saw this at the Scrap Apple Quilts booth where Linda was showing us how it worked.
Have you seen this before? Check out the video's an amazing tool!

Guess I better go back and work on the purple Dresden...
at least until something else catches my attention.

Oh, wait! There's the Have A Latte Blog Hop still going on.
The whole schedule and my giveaway can be found HERE.
Lots of cool stuff being created in this hop!


  1. There is something special about the first roses of the year. Those purple Dresdens are going to be gorgeous too.

    Are you going to make that cute sheep quilt? It would be adorable.

  2. Good friends.....quilt show.....and purple fabric. Life is good!

  3. Have great day my quilting friend :)

    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  4. This was such a pretty stop for me this morning. Thanks

  5. Love the purple fabric and the yellow roses. It's just starting to green here, so no blooms for a couple more weeks.

  6. Thank you for the yellow posies, I needed to see them today, we had a bit of snow earlier this morning. Love my turn it all tool...great notion!

  7. Sorry I missed the show but congrats to your friend, Barbara, on her win!!! Hope she posts a picture of it. I do have that tool (and it works great!!!). Look forward to seeing your finished purple dresden quilt and that cute baby quilt on the cover of the magazine, Carol!! Have a wonderful day and enjoy those pretty yellow roses :)
    ~Terry~ cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com

  8. I think spring tends to lead us all on. So much color and life happening around us. I can't wait to see that purple Dresden, it's going to be a beauty!

  9. Spring haven´t arrived here.Can´t wait to see your purple Dresdem.Happy sewing!!

  10. I love that turning tool, I used it for stuffies too and long ties or something that needs to be turned, a VERY handy tool.
    Love Deonn's sheep quilt too btw

  11. Can't wait to see the purple Dresden! Thanks for going with me Friday. I really had fun!

  12. Oh how I love that purple Dresden! Oh, and the yellow roses are beautiful!

  13. lol, sounds like me flitting around. Oh well, I can't sit still for very long anyway. I love roses, but they don't do well here :(

  14. It sounds like you had a fun time at the quilt show. I'm having that problem with getting distracted too. I've never had as many projects on the go as I do right now. It's definitely time for me to do some catching up over the next couple of days if I want to go to Creativ Festival on Saturday in Toronto.

  15. Wow, you have adult ADD just like me... So jealous of your weather! Enjoy it and life too. Live in the moment and do whatever has your attention.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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