Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Basket Full Of Gifts

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a basket full of little gifts set aside for birthdays, Christmas, 
Get Well's, Thinking of You's, and any other time you just want to treat someone special?

Marlene at Stitchin by the Lake suggested the gift basket on her blog and I think it is a great idea!
I need to get busy filling my basket full of little goodies. 
Wait...first I need a basket to fill. Shopping time!

Next week's blog hop will give us lots of gift ideas to fill a basket, so I can't wait!


  1. That IS a great idea! I always have a little something I've made, tucked away. But a basket full would be so much fun. You could make a basket!

  2. I keep two top cupboards in the hall linen closet for gifts and then expanded to an entire antique dresser in the guest room. No one ever put their clothes in the drawers and I just began putting gifts I buy and make all year long. Wonderful when those instant and last minute hostess gifts are required. I even keep toys for little ones who come to visit and they love taking something home with them. I'm looking forward to this hop...

  3. My husband makes baskets for all occasions and he usually will get a great deal on all kinds of baskets like 25 cents at the thefts store. This is a great idea for event a sick friend.

  4. That Marlene is so smart. Great idea. She has a giving soul. I can't wait to see all the giving inspiration in the hop.

  5. A basket full of gifts is a great idea! I think I will get mine started too.

    I am looking forward to seeing all the fun stuff in the next blog hop! Thanks for keeping us all inspired!

  6. What a great idea!! This next blog hop looks so fun!

  7. I am a big believer of impromptu gifts. I have a feeling you are going to make a basket instead of buying one :)



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