Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sweet Adelaide Baby Quilt

It took me just a couple days to sew this baby quilt together and thanks to Julie at Quilted Works
it was beautifully quilted and ready for me to pick up yesterday. The binding is on now, too!
Whew! Just in time for her arrival!

Sweet Adelaide

This cute little girl can be found at Fairyland Embroidery Designs.
The fabric is actually a lighter pink, but it was hard to get my camera to capture the true color.
It is from the "Collection for a Cause - MILL BOOK SERIES circa 1835" by Howard Marcus.


  1. Very sweet for a little girl. This one will be loved.

  2. Your Adelaide quilt is so adorable and will certainly be loved!

  3. What a wonderful welcome gift. The personalization is terrific.

  4. Adelaide is very very cute. A beautiful quilt.

  5. It is a beautiful baby quilt! Very cute with the little girl stitchery.

  6. This Quilt is sooooo sweet Carol! I Love the embroidered little Girl! Thanks for sharing!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  7. How cute is that! I love that sweet face. :) blessings, marlene

  8. how lovely and i love the embroidery and the colour of baby quilt in raspberry is very pretty

  9. I like your embroidery; embroidering quilts is something that I want to get into - doing redwork is my dream, but I think I might start with just doing accents

  10. Also, where did you get the pattern (I saw the name, but it's from the 1800s - is it a reprint somewhere?)

  11. What a great quilt. Love the design to showcase the embroidery. You do such beautiful work.

  12. Beautiful quilt! Great job Carol! One lucky little girl.

  13. The quilt is precious.
    Adeliaide will sleep wrapped in love
    Thanks for sharing.


Comments are always appreciated!

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