Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I Saw A Flower! Really I Did!

I've been staying at my daughter's house this week and I'm having computer withdrawals because her internet is sketchy and is only up for short periods of time. She's promised me it will be fixed tonight...yay! It's up and running right this minute so I thought I'd better take advantage of it and show you the flower I saw in her backyard. It seems like it's been FOREVER since I've seen a flower, so hopefully this is a good sign that Spring is coming.

It's beautiful!

Only a few more days to see new flags waving in this blog hop:

Click HERE for the whole Flags on a Stick blog hop schedule.

Thanks to these sponsors for helping make this a fabulous blog hop:

I'm so glad you stopped by to visit!


  1. That is a beautiful flower...what is it called ?

  2. That's a really neat looking flower. What is it? I'm staying at my mothers and she had daffodils blooming. Sure wish the weather was a little warmer to go along with the beautiful flowers.

  3. ohhhh I would love to have real ones in my garden lol this is very eccentric..yes ?

  4. Love that flower! Please share the name.

  5. Wow what a beautiful flower Carol! I'm like you.....wondering when spring will ever get here! Glad your daughter's internet is working!

  6. It's a Bottlebrush
    We have lots of them around our house.


Comments are always appreciated!

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