Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'm Running...I Mean Retreating

I said "YES" to a QUILT RETREAT in June.


My friend, Brenda, said it would be fun...she loves going to them. 
I've never been to one, so it seems kind of scary to go sit among some 
very accomplished quilters and pretend that I know what I'm doing when I sew.

I asked her if I'd have social? 
She said "YES", I do have to be social. to people and be friendly?
Yep, she said I have to be nice because they are nice people.

I'll have to front of people?
She said that's the main idea of a retreat.


I have two and one half weeks to get ready.
This should be interesting!


  1. Interesting for you, if you've never been to one. I have been to a few, and I think that I can do the talking if the others do the sewing. It used to work good for me. So you have to choose to concentrate on sewing or talking. Good luck!

  2. Carol, you're going to have a great time! What's cooler than hanging with other quilters? Nothing! I host bi-annual public retreats and a number of private ones and they are super!! Like a sleepover with your girlfriends and you get to quilt and chat as much (or as little) as you want! Enjoy!!

  3. OMGosh! I think you will have a blast! I have never been to a Quilt Retreat either so i know EXACTLY how you feel. But remeber the second half of Retreat is Treat! So you will have a great time and I am sure everyone will love you!:)

  4. Sounds like fun Carol, have a great time!!

  5. You will have a blast. Check out my last TWO posts..a before and after retreat about my retreat last weekend.

  6. I have never been to one either. I get a little nervous when people watch me too! I am sure you will have a great time. At least you have your friend there. And just pretend you are talking to all of your blogging buddies! So need to be nervous about that part! :)

  7. Have a blast!! Who knows what great tips and ideas you could leave with!! Maybe even a great connection with a few ladies!!

  8. I just came back from my first retreat. I packed light and was amazed at how much stuff other quilters brought. I only knew one person. A weekend of sewing in a beautiful mountain setting with gorgeous weather and good food I didn't have to cook. Sewing and making new friends. I even learned a couple of new tricks. It was sew much fun! I hope yours is just as fantastic!

  9. LOL! You silly, you are sooo talented the sewing part will be easy. You are so nice the social part will be fun! You are all set.

  10. Carol I can't believe you feel like that. You are a beautiful quilter and although I don't know you except through your blog you are very friendly and social. Go and have fun and quilt and talk and eat. Then let us all know what a wonderful timeyouhad.

  11. hahaha.....I bet you'll have the time of your life!

  12. You will have so much fun, relax and enjoy.

  13. I went to my first retrea tthis year and had a blast! I got projects finished and made new friends:)
    You will have lots of fun!

  14. You will have so much fun! Sewing and laughing together is the perfect retreat! Enjoy!

  15. If you can have everything cut out before you go to retreat, you will get a great deal more finished. Last retreat I went to I did a huge French Braid quilt all pieced because I had everything cut out prior to going. Have a blast! No one is going to be critiquing your quilting, but if you need suggestions for something, there will be many seasoned quilters there to lend you a hand! Take chocolate and wine :)

  16. Your hilarious woman ! Go and have a good time ! Please remind me of that when I go to my first one in October....yikes !


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