Tuesday, May 7, 2013

An Okay Day Made Even Better

It's not a big deal and I wasn't even going to mention it, but today was 
my birthday. I had to work so it wasn't much of a day of celebrating.
BUT that changed when I came home to 60, yes 60,
of these notes from my family spread out ALL over my house.
My youngest daughter asked each of my kids and their families (and my
husband) to write five memories or things they liked about me.
(Each note had the writer's name on it--I just smeared it out on this one.)

(My son didn't like sauce on noodles when he was growing up so I always
had a separate dish of just noodles set aside for him.)

I laughed and cried as I walked around the house reading each one.
Some were so sweet, some were just hysterical.
There were lots of those inside jokes families always have.

#18.  You're an amazing cook, even when you forget the tuna!
(I once forgot to put tuna in a tuna casserole...none of my
kids have let me live that one down! I admit it was pretty funny.)

#8. Thanks for helping me move out...and then back in again...multiple times.
(My home has a revolving door on it when it comes to my kids.)

#56. I loved it when we made tooth fairy pillows.
(This Monkey Boy just lost his first tooth so he got to use his pillow.)

#43. You would be my phone-a-friend if I needed help with
a question on a game show. You know a lot!
(I have her so, so fooled about that.)

#57. I like it when you buy us stuff. Like Slurpees!
(I'm a good grandma when it comes to buying things for my Monkey Boys.)

I can't put them all here, but just know they were all so special!

This was an amazing gift and such a great idea!
These little notes and the slice of cheesecake I brought home
 after dinner at Cheesecake Factory made it a very nice BIG birthday.
I loved it!


  1. How absolutely awesome Carol! I can't think of a better gift...happy, happy birthday! Blessings, Marlene

  2. Carol, the notes must have been such a joy to read! Enjoy the rest of your birthday as well!

  3. Happy birthday! What a fun idea~ I'm sure you enjoyed the memories very much. Have a wonderful week!

  4. aww,how sweet. Happy Birthday and Blessings for a wonderful year.

  5. Happy Birthday! Now that is a very cool present ... something to cherish forever. Very creative thinking on your daughters part.

  6. What a lovely way to celebrate your day! Happy Birthday, Carol!

  7. What a fabulous present! Who needs any other presents, when you have special notes by each member of your family! I would have cried around the house! Happy Birthday!!!!

  8. Happy Birthday!!! that is The best gift I ever heard about. 60 is sensational!!!! You are off and running!

  9. What a wonderful way to celebrate. Happy birthday.

  10. #61 You are a fun blogger with a talent for quilting and bringing a smile to my day.

  11. Happy Birthday Carol! Such a sweet idea.

  12. What a wonderful gift! I would have been crying with each note :) happy belated birthday!

  13. What a wonderful way to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated!!! Happy Belated Birthday!

  14. What a fun idea!! Happy Birthday!!!

  15. Happy belated birthday Carol! What a fun thing to do for your birthday. #62 I like that your such a personable girl.You always make me glad I left a comment. The first reply I ever got from you, I thought "She's really nice" !

  16. Happy Birthday Carol, that sounds like such a fun thing your family did! Glad you had a wonderful day :) And thanks for always giving me a smile!

  17. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Carol Happy Birthday to you....and many, many more!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day and I'm so glad because YOU deserve it.

  18. Happy, Happy Birthday! What a perfect gift.... thoughtful, personal, and tender!

  19. Happy Birthday! what a great gift to hold onto and look back at

  20. What a beautiful gift! Very Happy Belated Birthday to you!

  21. Ohhh I just love this with all of my heart...especially the tuna one...I would leave that out anyway...I am not really passionate about tuna...
    HOPE your 6th decade...is filled with even more touching memories

  22. This is so awesome, espeically the first comment you posted. A few years ago I went to the beach for my birthday and when we got home my youngest daughter had posted sticky notes all over the house with thank yous...it was the most precious thing ever.. one of her comments was exactly like your sons...noodles without sauce. I have all those sticky notes and I cry everytime i read them...

  23. How sweet is this! I am going to try and remember this to try with my family... best gifts ever.

  24. Oh, I am sorry I missed your day. But it sure sounds fun! What a special idea!! I am sure you will keep all those fun notes. Happy Belated Birthday!

  25. You've done it again. Gorgeous, time-intense quilt. Wonderful family with wonderful memories and thoughts.

  26. This is such an amazing gift of love from your family. I can't think of a better birthday present. I hope you enjoyed your special day.


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