Monday, May 21, 2012

Finished One, Started Two...or Three

Having a few days off just to sew and play has been so fun. I went to my favorite quilt store just to see what was new and of course, found something I HAD to have. Geez, my stash is reaching hoarding proportions!

They had a Cat In The Hat on the wall (it was calling my name) in MINKY! Loved it! It's kind of narrow and I hate sewing on Minky because it moves so much, but this is what I did to it (nothing fancy):
I dropped it off to be quilted at Quilted Works (which is also my favorite quilt store) with a cute Minky back made from a Cat-In-The-Hat fabric.
This fabric has been all sewn up for months and waiting for a back, which I finished, so it got dropped off for quilting, too.
This one is for a good friend of mine who doesn't sew (which means she will most likely not notice all those little mistakes I made.) She's had a few trials going on in her life, so I want her to know she is loved. I used the same fabric to make my little ruffled quilt (it still needs quilting and binding) and started out making it as a quilt-as-you-sew blanket. Once I had it finished, I thought it needed more so I quilted it on the diagonal with straight stitches.

1 comment:

  1. They are so awesome! I have got to make one of those Dr.Seuss!!!!


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