Monday, November 7, 2022

This, That, And Blog Hop/Challenge News

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving and Christmas...where has the time gone! It happens like this every year, but it always catches me by surprise. Please don't tell me you've already finished your Christmas shopping and/or your Christmas cards. That would be too much for me because I haven't even put away my Halloween stuff yet. 

Ron and me on Halloween night with neighbors.

A couple weeks ago my husband threw a wrench in my already disorganized and I'm-behind-in-everything life by needing a heart repair. He's so healthy (rides his bike and golfs) but he had some blockage in his heart. Total surprise! An artery got punctured in the stent process (scary) so there's another procedure in the future. He's doing good now, thank goodness!

I taught a class at Sew Yeah last Friday. It's always a fun time teaching people how to applique. We worked on this mini quilt.

November's blog hop, "Music", starts next week with Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks hosting it. I think the name totally says what the challenge is. I can't wait to see all the creative music items!

The annual Virtual Cookie Exchange is happening beginning December 5th. You can still join in if you want to...let me know.

On to 2023!

We've changed the name for 2023, but it still involves challenges and blog hopping.

Are you up for a new challenge in January?
Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks is starting off the 2023 with "Shades of Blue."

The Challenge: 

This one is Shades of Blue.
Easy, peasy.  Add shades of blue to your project.
Show us your winter blues.
It can be any stitched project, just make sure there is a shade of blue somewhere.

The Rules:

Post on your assigned day at 12:00 am Eastern time.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment. Make friends!!!!

To sign up:
Send her your information and she will assign you a day!

We have some seriously great challenges lined up for 2023!
Don't try to sign-up now, we'll send out notices a couple months before.

Joan, Carla, and I share a Facebook page called "Cackling Stitches" that is only about Halloween.
We'll be starting another block of the month in January, "Which Way to Witchville."
Plan on joining us!


  1. So glad that your husband is doing better. Praying for you both. really excited about all of the upcoming Blog Hops.

  2. Oh my Carol, that is quite the shock when our loved ones have heart problems. My husband had similar in 2013 and has had two stents place along with a cardio defibrillator. How scary about the punctured artery! You have my prayers. You both look so cute in your costumes!

  3. I’m so glad your husband is okay. Such a shame that he will need another surgery. I’ll keep you guys in my prayers. Trust me…..I do NOT have my Christmas shopping done. I still have my fall decor up and will leave it as long as possible.

  4. So glad your hubby is doing ok! Very scary moments there!! I am behind in everything too. ;-)

  5. It is definitely scary when any of us is confrunted with a n issue of health, but in your pic, Ron appears to have it under control. Glad the problem was picked up so repairs can be done, . I love your mini quilt, very cute Carol.Hugs

  6. Hi Carol! How scary for you and DH about his unexpected heart issues. {{Hugs}} While stent insertion is fairly common, things can always go wrong. Yowza about the puncture! You both look like you're doing well, and that you were able to enjoy Halloween. I will add you to my prayers for continued improvement. I'm sorry to be missing the cookie exchange this year but you have a fun lineup for 2023. Take care and enjoy that oldest Monkey Boy! I hope his studies are going well. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. So glad your husband is doing better! I'm looking forward to another great year of Sew It Show It challenges!

  8. Glad your hubs is recovering well, but too bad about the additional surgery. I have some of my Christmas shopping done, but I'm stumped on a few of the others. Will be working on my Cookie Exchange project soon!

  9. Carol, life gets in the way of our sewing sometimes--but how scary for you and your husband! Sew glad he is doing well now. Hope that continues! I saw that you were having that class. Wish I lived close enough to come, but central IL is a bit far to commute. LOL

  10. Oh, Carol! I'm so glad your hubby is OK and praying that the next repair fixes him right up! Your class looks like it would be such fun! Looking forward to next year's Sew It Show It Challenges!

  11. That is quite the shock to have your husband need heart surgery. Glad he is doing well! Lots of fun sewing in your future....and I need to finish my piece or pieces for net week!

  12. I'm so glad Ron is doing okay. Looks like you have great plans for the future, and I do like the appliqué for that class. Such a fun Christmas hanging!

  13. Glad your hubby is doing well!! Lots of fun Sew & Show Its for '23!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your applique quilt for teaching!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...