Friday, October 21, 2022

Jill Finley And Her Holiday Lane Pillow Pattern

When I was at the Garden of Quilts in Utah last month, I was walking by the Jillily Studio booth and noticed a Christmas pillow (Holiday Lane) in a corner. I was excited to see it because I had sewn one a long time ago during a blog hop. 

The designer of "Holiday Lane", Jill Finley of Jillily Studio, was in the quilt booth so I got to meet her. She is just the nicest lady!

With the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange coming up in December, Jill was so kind and said I could share her photo and link to the free pillow pattern (HERE) on my blog for anyone who wants to sew it for their project.  There is even a kit available HERE.

Jill's photo of "Holiday Lane"
It's beautiful and so sweet!

*NOTE: This isn't a have-to sew to be part of the Virtual Cookie Exchange. It's just an idea if you're looking for something fun to make. I'll be making one to share! The pillow I made in 2012 went to the Monkey Boys and family. 

There were four little Monkeys sleeping on the pillow in 2012 when I first made the pillow.

The Monkey Boys became five in 2016.

He was mad about having to share the pillow.

All better...

Six Monkey Boys in 2018...not much room left!

I love these faces!

Monkey Girl definitely needs to be added to this year's photo. Move over boys!

If you want to join the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange, let me know!

Challenge: (recipes are optional)
You can share a recipe or not.
Share Christmas quilts or projects.
Tell us about your Christmas traditions.
Show off your Christmas decorations/tree.
Spill your funny Christmas stories.
If it's about Christmas, we want to hear about it!
Email me if you want in.


  1. The pillow is really pretty. Thank you for the pattern. Wow, so many Monkey Boys + a girl. Their faces do look happy except the one.

  2. Adorable, that poor girl with all the brothers :) Beautiful family! Of course I am in for the Cookie Exchange.

  3. Lovely pillow, and I enjoyed seeing photos of the monkey kids! Yep, time to make room for Monkey Girl!

  4. Cute pillow. I think you are going to need one that's a tad bit longer so that sweet Monkey Girl can get in on it too! LOL

  5. What a fun post to see the monkey boys growing and growing in numbers too. Yes make it bigger so they can all place their heads.

  6. Love seeing this beautiful growing family! :)

  7. You definitely need to make another pillow for that beautiful gang! Of course knowing kids, there may be fights over who gets a corner of what pillow...second thought, make one that twice as long to include the whole Holiday Town!

  8. Cute post. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family.
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  9. What great fun! I love seeing the pictures of your growing grandchild population.

  10. I remember that fun hop with the pillows! The pictures with all the boys on it are priceless. I hope to see a new one with the girl included.

  11. Such a darling pillow. Thank you for providing the link . Your monkey kiddos are precious.

  12. I love that pattern, and made one myself for that same blog hop in 2012! Now, if I could only find it... We've moved four times since then. I know it's around here somewhere! Love the pillow photos over the years! What a great marker for your daughter's growing family. Adorable!


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