Monday, November 14, 2022

Day Two of "Music" And Blog Hopping

Yesterday was such an amazing day of music projects! I hope you took the time to check them out. Today will be just as awesome, I'm sure!

There's more music for your ears and eyes on these blogs...check them out!

Monday, November 14th

Tuesday, November 15th

Wednesday, November 16th

Thursday, November 17th

More photos from the Joan and Me adventures last weekend.

We let the guys hang out with us for a minute or two at Dick's Last Resort.
It was noisy!

It was a little windy, but we managed to get a pic of the two of us with our quilts. 

Joan was a great crew member holding my quilt. 

This was a wedding dress in the museum...gorgeous!

The train from my childhood! Seriously, it was so exciting to see it.

I just maybe/probably/did win some $100 bills. It was really a surprise and lots of fun!

You can find "Guitar Obsession" in my Etsy Store HERE.

The Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange is almost here!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Gosh it looks like you had a wonderful time! What a fun place to visit. Now I want to go to a casino, it has been years. We always enjoyed the Las Vegas area when we visited - so much to see and do.

  2. How fun that you two could meet, with quilts in tow (and hubbies too)! I like the guitar quilt idea, too!

  3. What? No hats at Dicks? WHat kind of deal is that? lol It's too fun seeing these pictures and the laughter shared.

  4. Oh my goodness...a good time was had by all. No hats at Dicks Carla LOL!! That was too over the top for me! We sure did have a fun weekend and it was over waaaaaaay to soon.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...