Saturday, June 5, 2021

Field Of Flowers With Crafter's Edge Cutting Dies

Making the "Field of Flowers" quilt using mostly Crafter's Edge cutting dies was a huge help in putting it together quickly. There were quite a few flowers, so those dies saved me time and energy in cutting them out. My hands were happy about that! I free motion stitched around the flowers to keep things even easier. 

Field of Flowers
50" x 50"

What you'll need to make "Field of Flowers":



Heat n Bond Lite Iron-on Adhesive



Crafter’s Edge Crossover II and cutting dies: Tulips, Flower, 4 ½” Squares, 1 ½” Strips



Cut 1 – 3” pink flower, Center Block

Cut 1 – 1” green circle, Center Block

Cut 4 – tulips in peach and pink, Center Block

Cut 8 – green leaves, Center Block

Cut 12 – 4” pink flowers

Cut 12 – 3” peach flowers

Cut 12 – 1 ½” white flowers

Cut 12 – 1” green circles




1 ¾ yard white

1 ¼ yard pink

1/2 yard peach

1/4 yard green

3 yards backing

1/2 yard binding




Cut 52 – 4 ½” x 4 ½” white squares

Cut 24 – 4 ½” x 4 ½” pink squares

Cut 24 – 4 ½” x 4 ½” peach squares

Cut 2 – 1 ½” x 40 ½” pink strips, left and right Border A

Cut 2 – 1 ½” x 42 ½” pink strips, top and bottom Border A

Cut 4 – 4 ½” x 42 ½” white strips, Border B

Cut 4 – 4 ½” x 4 ½” pink squares, Border B Corners

Cut 6 – 2 ½” x 43” strips, Binding

SEWING/APPLIQUE INSTRUCTIONS: All seams are sewn 1/4” unless otherwise noted.


Step 1: White square blocks – With right sides together, sew two 4 ½” x 4 ½” white squares together. Press seam to side. Repeat with two more white squares. With right sides together, sew squares together, matching seams. Press seams down. Repeat to make 13 blocks.


Step 2: Pink and peach blocks - With right sides together, sew a 4 ½” x 4 ½” pink square and a 4 ½” x 4 ½” peach square together. Press seam to side. Repeat with two more pink and peach squares. With right sides together, sew squares together, matching seams. Press seams down. Repeat to make 12 blocks.


Step 3: Applique – Iron Heat n Bond Lite Iron-on Adhesive to wrong side of fabrics; let cool.

Following Crafter’s Edge instructions, place paper side of adhesive facing up on platform*. Cover as directed before running through machine. Run die and fabric through machine. 

To reverse the direction of design, place fabric side up before cutting. Half the leaves will be cut on paper side and half on fabric side. To get the correct direction on tulips, the petals will need to be cut half on paper side and half on fabric side.

Peel off paper liner from the backs of applique pieces. Place applique, adhesive side down, on right side of fabric. Press according to package directions until entire piece is bonded. Let cool. Sew around edges of applique using a straight, zig-zag, or blanket stitch. 

Step 4: With right sides together, sew blocks together into rows as shown below matching seams. Press seams to sides:

Step 5: With right sides together, sew rows together matching seams. Press seams down.

Step 6: Border A -  With right sides together, sew 1 1/2" pink strips to left and right of center blocks. Press seams towards borders. With right sides together, sew 1 1/2" pink strips to top and bottom of center blocks. Press seams down.

Step 7: Border B - With right sides together, sew 4 1/2" white strips to left and right of Border A. Press seams towards borders. With right sides together, sew 4 1/2" square pink blocks to ends of remaining 4 1/2" strips. Press seams towards center. With right sides together, sew strips to top and bottom of Border A, matching corner seams. Press seams down.

Step 7: Finish quilt using your favorite quilting and binding method. *Crafter's Edge 2 1/2" strip cutter is perfect for bindings!

Check out more projects using the Crafter's Edge dies on their "Inspiration" page HERE

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Just beautiful as always Carol and I like the fresh colors you used too.

  2. So pretty! The colors are so vibrant! And the garden gazebo setting is gorgeous!

  3. It’s a cute summery design, Carol and makes a pretty quilt. Makes me want to grab it and go on a picnic down by the lake.

  4. Really great for spring! I finally was able to order the conversion set. They never notified me it was in, as promised, but I saw today that it was. Yay!

  5. Lovely! I like the flowers on every other block, and the center appliques. You made really cute quilt--again! :)

  6. I love this. What a fun summer quilt!

  7. I love this quilt! You make it look so easy!!! I love how you show step-by-step instructions on how to put it together! You are so talented!

  8. That turned out really pretty. It’s so nice to have cutting help with the flowers.


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