Monday, March 22, 2021

Salt And Sand Blog Hop Is Up And Running

If I could be anywhere today, it would be at the beach smelling the salty air and burying my toes in the sand. Unfortunately that is not happening, but the Salt and Sand blog hop is a great alternative to feeling beachy. Plus I know I'll be so inspired with creative projects!

What is a blog hop? It's like a "show and tell" online and are like joining a quilt guild without leaving home. Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks and I host blog hops featuring sewing and quilting.  We post a challenge on our blogs and those that want to join in email us with their blog info. After we get that info, we assign a date for them to post their project. 

We inspire each other with projects, tutorials, or patterns. Anyone can follow along! We give everyone plenty of time to sew something, usually two months. 

Check out all these beachy bloggers! Be sure to visit and leave a comment...they will love you for it!

March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 26

The April blog hop, In the Kitchen Stitchin', will be hosted by Carla

The May blog hop, Born to be Wild, will be hosted by me

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. So excited to see what everyone is making! Thanks for hosting this Carol! xx

  2. Hi Carol! It looks like a whole lot of quilty goodness in that lineup. I'll be happy to be hopping about. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I'm having such fun hopping about. The beach is my happy place for sure. Smooth sailing (for the most part) ⛵ thanks for your hard work on this!

  4. These look like some great blog hops! thanks for sharing!

  5. Yes, there are so many wonderful Salt and Sand projects. What a fun blog hop!

  6. Hi,
    I'm a day late posting my Salt and Sand.
    But it's been posted today.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...