Sunday, July 5, 2020

Tumbler Quilt Using Crafters Edge Cutting Dies

I've made tumbler quilts before, but never with the ease of this one. Using Crafter's Edge Tumbler cutting die really sped up the process. Because they cut so precise and without stretching the fabric, they sew together perfectly.

Elephant Walk Baby Quilt
42" x 42"

Crafter's Edge Crossover II and Tumbler dies

There are five sizes of tumblers...I love that!

Here's what you need to make the "Elephant Walk Baby Quilt":


Heat n Bond Lite Iron-on Adhesive or your favorite iron-on adhesive

Fabric needed:

1 ¼ yard white
Tumblers - 2 charm packs or 8-12 fat quarters
2 fat quarters for elephants (scraps for eyes and ears)
1/8 yard for blue strip
1/2 yard for dark blue Border A
3/8 yard binding
1 ¼ yard backing (allows extra for quilting)

Cutting instructions:

Cut 1 – 9 ½” x 36” white strip
Cut 1 – 2 ½” x 36” blue strip
Cut 53 – white 4” tumbler blocks
Cut 53 – print 4” tumbler blocks
Cut 2 – 4” x 36” dark blue strips, left and right Border A
Cut 2 – 4” x 43” dark blue strips, top and bottom Border A
Cut 5 – 2 ½” x 43” binding strips
Cut backing to fit quilt front

Charm packs were perfect for the 4" x 4" tumbler die that I used along with some other fabrics from my stash. The dies cut best if you angle them a bit before running them through your machine.

Sewing the tumblers together is really easy. With right sides together, place one narrow end and one wide end together. Don't line them up exactly...leave a tiny bit of the end showing when you put them together. Sew with a 1/4" seam.

With that little bit of fabric showing, the tumblers line up perfectly when you open them. Press the seam to the side.

With right sides together, sew the tumblers into seven rows of 15 tumblers each, alternating the white and print pieces. With right sides together, sew the rows together making sure to alternate the colors and whites. Pressing the seams of each row in opposite directions helps to nest them nicely when the rows get sewn together. After the rows are sewn together, press seams down.

Once the tumblers are sewn together, the ends that aren't even need to be trimmed. Trim them right in the middle of both sides which should give the tumbler section a measurement of 36" across and 25" down. Check your measurements before you trim those end tumblers!

Now it's time to add those cute elephants! Crafter’s Edge Mama and Baby Elephant Fabric Die has two sizes of elephants. Did you know you can get a conversion platform set that's compatible with the Accuquilt GO!® You can and it works great!

Step 1: Applique – Iron adhesive to wrong side of fabric following package directions.

Step 2: Cut out applique die using your cutting machine.

Step 3: Peel off paper liner from the backs of applique pieces. Place applique, adhesive side down, on right side of 9 ½” x 36” white strip. Press according to package directions until entire piece is bonded. Let cool. Sew around edges of applique using a straight, zig-zag, or blanket stitch.

Time to sew all the tumbers and applique together. With right sides together, sew the 2 ½” x 36” blue strip to the bottom of the elephant applique strip. Press seam down. 

With right sides together, sew tumbler rows to the bottom of the blue strip. Press seams down.

With right sides together, sew 4” x 36” dark blue strips to left and right of tumblers and applique section. Press seams towards borders. With right sides together, sew 4” x 43” dark blue strips to top and bottom of tumblers and applique sections. Press seams down.

Finish your quilt using your favorite method of quilting and binding. 

One of my favorite methods for preparing my quilts is to use Spray n Bond Basting Adhesive to hold the layers together for quilting.

*Quilt assembly with batting and basting spray:
Protect the area where you will be working by placing an old sheet or paper under and around the area you’ll be spraying. Place the batting on work area, smoothing to remove wrinkles. Place the quilt backing, wrong side down, on top of batting. Smooth to remove wrinkles. Having the batting a bit larger than the backing is suggested.

Roll back about six inches of the quilt back to expose some of the batting. Using the basting spray, spray batting from one edge to the other. Carefully lay the wrong side of quilt backing over the sprayed surface of batting. Smooth fabric to ensure it adheres to the sprayed fabric and remove any wrinkles. Roll back the rest of the quilt back to continue spraying and smoothing about six inches at a time until you reach the bottom of the quilt back. Check for creases or folds you might have missed.

Turn backing and batting over to have batting facing up. Lay quilt front, wrong side down, on batting. Make sure quilt front is lined up correctly; smooth out wrinkles. Use the same spray and smooth method as the backing. Trim edges and square-up quilt. Quilt as desired and add binding.

You can see more projects and ideas by visiting Crafter's Edge Inspiration page HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cute quilt, Carol! The elephant parade really adds to it. I'm glad to learn that Crafter's Edge has made a conversion platform for Go! that will be helpful for a lot of people!

  2. Very interesting, I will have to check this out. Your quilt is really cute.

  3. So adorable! Baby Elephant Walk Baby Quilt, LOL. That cutter does make it faster.

  4. I like tumblers and the different ways to use them. You know I have a love of baby elephants too! It's adorable and great tutorial as well.


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