Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Christmas In July Then And Now Blog Hop Day 2

I was wow'd and dazzled at all the great projects yesterday, weren't you! If you missed anything, check the list below and visit yesterday's bloggers.

This blog hop is a bit different because with all the crazy things happening, it seemed like a good idea to give participants a little leeway with less stress when creating their projects.

Here's the rules of Christmas in July (then and now):

With life as crazy as it has been lately, show an older Christmas project
from "back then" or show something new...anything Christmas related.

You can make/show a mug rug, pot holder, mini quilt, baby quilt, bag, toy, etc.

Post your project on your assigned day and list the other blog hoppers.

Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!

Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment.

Are you ready to be wow'd? Here's the list of amazing bloggers who are sharing their projects.

July 27

July 28 - TODAY

July 29

July 30

July 31

There's a Pinterest page, too!

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