Thursday, November 21, 2019

I Like Thursday Post #3

It's another "I Like Thursdays" with Not Afraid of Color...#3!
You really should check out all the "likes" and maybe join in yourself.

With my new phone (another like), it's been much more fun using it for photos
because the pictures turn out way better than my old phone. It's also a fun and
easier way to take pictures for "I Like Thursday.

My likes...

Hanging out with two Monkey Boys during the oldest ones Eagle Project.

His younger brother was a big help.

I really appreciated bleach in a bottle, especially when the four year old
Monkey Boy was throwing up at our condo...three times!

I like Oreos...obviously!

I fell in love with this dog from Benartex's "Dog On It' fabric.

I'm happy my husband likes unusual art like I do.
Picked this up at an Oktoberfest event. It's about 24" it!

 Creepy Bunny stays out all year and I like that he watches over what I'm sewing.
Too bad he can't stop me from making mistakes.

My retreat sewing machine is well liked this week, especially with my other
one breaking on me. It's a good little machine, but I miss the big lady!

This isn't really a like, but it is. He was a friend that had a heart of gold
and made us all laugh with his amazing sense of humor. He left this week
to make the angels laugh. I like that his photo shows him cracking up
because he was doing that a lot or making us do it. Bye, sweet friend!

Bella uses that paw to scratch at the couch to let me know she needs attention.
I'm surprised it doesn't have a hole because she needs a lot of loving!
I like her sweet face.

Thanks, LeeAnna, for helping me to look for the daily good things in life.


  1. Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful loves! I think that bunny should be more helpful with preventing mistakes. What is your small machine and your large? My 440QE is a great machine, but I do need to upgrade next year...collecting info.

  3. Carol, you are living the good life. God bless.
    You have nice machines.
    I like all of your likes. Your friend that left you, made my heart hurt, but you are right, it is the memories that help us accept the loss.
    We are fortunate, We are lucky.

  4. So many good things. My sympathies to you on the passing of your friend. What a nice tribute to him, though. Good friends who make us laugh are priceless.

  5. I like your posts And the angels will surely love your good friend with his smiling face.

  6. Neat likes...looks like your doggy friend likes to cuddle...hugs, Julierose

  7. Hi Carol! I am so sorry you lost your sweet friend. I'm glad you have a photo of him in happy times to remember him by. Aww, Bella scratches when she needs attention. She looks like a fun quilty helper and that she doesn't take any guff from creepy bunny. I can't believe how old your oldest grandson is - all of a sudden. How does that time fly by us?!! He's so handsome - they all are. And bleach in a bottle is a very good thing. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Hi Carol! Welcome (a little late) to "I Like Thursdays!" I love your post! My friend just got that dog fabric too and is nuts for it :) I'm very sorry about your loss of your friend, we just lost a good one too and there is a big void in our world here without him. Prayers for you and yours!!!

  9. Lots of great likes! Who doesn't like Oreos! lol Dog fabric is really cool. How nice to have a friend like that that you'll miss. My condolences.

  10. I enjoyed seeing your Monkey Boys working on the Eagle Scout project. My grownup sons are both Eagle Scouts. And aren't your dogs sweet, too?! I bet they get lots of love and attention!

  11. Glad you got to hang with the monkey boys, even the one puking. LOL Bella needs to step up her game and help creepy bunny supervise you. What a sweet face, the fabric and Bella. Like your art that is very cool. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

  12. Un beso por esa pérdida, y sigue disfrutando de la vida

  13. oh Carol... yes to all the likes. I like odd art and your indian skelly and the scary bunny and oreos... of course, and the puppy. Will paw for love. How nice that you had your with you for a while, long enough to form a forever connection and memory.

  14. Lovely photos of you and the Monkey Boys! I am so sorry for your loss. The photo of your friend made me smile, what a beautiful way to be remembered. Of course there is not a hole, because you probably run to cuddle Bella as soon as she calls you :)


  15. I can't even keep Oreos in the house because I can't leave them alone (except the mystery flavors, those - not so much). Sure is hard to lose good friends, so I'm sorry for your loss. I do like that wall art you just purchased, and I'm not usually a fan of skulls, but it's very cool!


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