Sunday, October 13, 2019

My First Pincushion Swap

I have to admit, not only is this my first pincushion swap, it's my first swap ever.
Beaquilter called for people to join her swap and I jumped in with a "yes."
All I have to do is swap three pincushions with three different people.

And then I panicked. What the heck am I doing in a pincushion swap!
I started freaking out that the first recipient, Holly, wouldn't like what I made.
Maybe it wouldn't be good enough. Yikes! 

I then I calmed down and said to myself, "GET OVER IT!"
Sometimes I have to step out of my comfort zone, so I did.

Holly likes Tim Holtz fabrics and a little steampunk...

I survived my first swap...whew!
Now two more to go. I'll be fine. I think. Maybe. LOL


  1. Carol, you’re so funny! These pincushions are perfection!

  2. When do you actually have time to sit and create something so cool? Do you sleep? Love your pincushion and needle holder!

  3. You did good. These are awesome pincushions. You'll be fine !!!

  4. this was just adorable! you did a great job!! don't worry at all!!

  5. You did a great job! I am too petrified when I see how sweet/cool all these things are! One day I will have enough courage to join one of these!

  6. Yay! Looks like a great package to me :)

  7. I'm in the same swap, and had the same panic. You did great. Mine was a little simple, but I think okay. Love your pinnie and all the adds. What fun!

  8. Cute pincushions and needle holder. I must say though that it looks like you stabbed that little bird really good. Was that to keep him from flying away? :-)

  9. Oh, Carol! I so understand your angst over this. You want to do your best work EVER like they went to a store and purchased it. Is that it? But they couldn't go to any store and purchase this pincushion. It is made especially for Holly. It includes fabrics she loves and careful, thoughtful consideration by you. That is priceless!! I'm stressing over a day pack for my boss. Good grief, the 30-minute project has turned into several hours so far and I'm not finished yet. Thank heavens for your nice email/post. {{Hugs}} They all are SO very cool!! (And I know Holly loves them.) ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. You should be really proud. I think one of your pincushions will come to me before Christmas. And I can tell you, whatever you send will be perfect. I love all my pincushions, and I have lots, as I've been in that swap for years.

  11. That's a great swap pincushion! I'm glad you tried this. Now don't love it so much you go overboard. LOL =)

  12. Well done! The steampunk bird looks so fabulous!



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