Saturday, May 18, 2019

Little Dog Takes On Big Dog

We had Gage for a week and loved all 56 pounds of him.
The little dogs, Bruster and Bella, never took to him the way we did.
A 17 pound ten year old dog vs a 56 pound ten month old dog in a battle isn't good.
Bruster lost the battle with Gage and it wasn't Gage's fault.

We're not sure if Bruster's jaw hit Gage's hard head or caught his tooth on his collar,
but Bruster's jaw was dislocated and his tooth was broken. Of course, it had to happen
after the vet was closed so it ended up being a trip to the vet ER. Bruster had the tooth
removed and got three stitches in his mouth. He was in a lot of pain...poor baby!

Things didn't get any better, so we were lucky my son's ex-roommate wanted Gage back.
We miss him, but the constant vigilance to keep them apart has ended. Whew!
Gage was a great dog and without Bossy Bruster, he would have been a great for us.

Luckily, I'll still get to visit him once in a while!


  1. Poor babies! I have a 10 year old 17 pound Lhasa and he thinks he is the king of the world! He is not one bit intimidated by big dogs. Fortunately the big dogs in our neighborhood are much better behaved than he is and they ignore his advances.

    I hope Bruster heals quickly.

  2. Gage is very cute. Puppies (and kittens) can be naughty instigators -- even though they are not strong, they can provoke the older one to do some ooops dumb things.
    I have two cornish rex kitties. Miles is 8 now, and Princess is 2. She is naughty and wild. This past few years, Miles is in much better shape physically.... kind of like boot camp.
    Happy Sunday

  3. * oh and yeah, we know those Emergency Vet visits. They are very very good, very professional and quite expensive.

  4. Sorry you went through this dog battle. Sometimes you just cant rock the boat by adding a new pooch. Hope your little dog heals quickly and I'm glad Gage was able to go back to the home he knows. Sometimes you just can't mess with the Pecking Order.
    xx, Carol

  5. So sorry Bruster was hurt and needed surgery. But glad to know you have all found peace again.

  6. I cannot imagine having two dogs in my house, Bean is a handful, lol.
    Cute pup, but I am sure it is much calmer now.


  7. Hi Carol! Awwww, poor Bruster - I feel bad that he hurt his tooth and it had to be removed. Along with a dislocated jaw?!! Poor little guy - and I'm certain that Gage felt bad as well. It all worked out though with Gage in a loving home and you with visitation rights. Just don't take the Bs with you when you visit, and maybe a change of clothes so they can't smell Gage on you. They just might label you a traitor. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Oh poor babies. Poor Gage is having a tough life lately.


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