Sunday, February 17, 2019

Come On Everybody, It's Show Your Wings Blog Hop Today!

It feels like it took forever for this blog hop to arrive, but now that it has...I'm so excited!
The challenge was to make something that had wings in it. It could have flying geese, fairies,
butterflies, or whatever they wanted as long as it had wings. I can't wait to see all the wings!

Check out all the amazing bloggers who are participating:

Today - February 18

February 19

February 20

February 21

I hope you come back tomorrow to see more "wings."

Pinterest page for Show Your Wings


  1. Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful bloghop! I am all set to show my wings :)


  2. Thank you Carol and I will be following all of these wonderful participants showing their Wings. We have rare snow here least 2 inches and it is snowing now! Our company from Duluth MinneSNOWta are trying to get away from Winter weather. When they drove away from Duluth it was -18F. Brrr...

  3. Carol, I'm enjoying all the winged creations, thanks for hosting this hop.

  4. Great day of blog hopping! Thank you for hosting, Carol ... :) Pat

  5. What fun!!! Can't wait to read them all!

  6. SEW many wonderful project inspire by your Hop!


Comments are always appreciated!

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