Thursday, May 31, 2018

I Think I Will Let My Camera Wander This Year

Soma at Whims and Fancies is starting her Wandering Camera in June, on the last Thursday
 of the month. I think I will let my camera wander along with her and give it my best shot 
to be a part of this fun challenge. I love to take close-up photos of flowers and other things 
while I'm out on my photo adventures for my quilt pictures. The Wandering Camera will 
encourage me to play a bit more with my camera. Here's a few I've taken over the years...




My sweet old dog


Soma has a gift for photography and art which always
leaves me wishing I had just a drop of her amazing talent...she wows me!

Maybe you'd like to let your camera wander, too!


  1. This is a wonderful way to reduce stress and merely view pretty pictures. Thank you for sharing your lens. <3

  2. Just a comment for the follow-ups. :O)

  3. I'm excited to see its return this month.

  4. Wonderful photos. Looking forward to more. Is that cutie a praying mantis?

  5. very pretty pictures -- except for the spider. that photo made me scream loudly which spurred a chain of events over here that fortunately left us with no damaging effects.
    Happy Thursday dear Carol

  6. I love Soma's Wandering Camera and am sure to love yours too :) even if you did freak me out AGAIN with that spider!!

  7. What kind of camera do you use?

  8. I am so touched by your compliment, that I am speechless. Thank you so much. I am so happy that you will be joining me. Your photos are lovely. Those bug and the spider photos - incredible. Your pup looks so serene. Can't wait to see what you share next :)


  9. Super idea! I used to do 52 Photos and since that stopped, I haven't played a lot with my camera. Thank you for posting the link. You have some beautiful pictures.

  10. Your close ups are amazing - those bugs tho - ha ha


Comments are always appreciated!

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