Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Family Generation Line Became A Little Shorter

I love the photos we've taken over the years that included a great grandmother, grandmother,
mother, grandchild, and great-great grandchild. That long line ended on Saturday with my
mother-in-law passing away. It was peaceful and family was with her. She's already missed greatly!
It's so sad to see our family generation line become shorter to only four generations. 

My mother-in-law, Joan.
She lived to be 90 years old...quite a lengthy and productive life!

It's been so many years of worrying about her and rushing to her side when she fell or wasn't well. Now we're not sure what to do with ourselves. We're still dealing with funeral arrangements, plus we both keep thinking we need to call her or go see her. It's a crazy feeling and it doesn't feel good at all. 

She smiled right to the last of her days.

As I was moving some things in her closet I came across the tricot quilt I made her years ago. I'd 
forgotten that she was the one I gave it to and I can't believe she still had it! My friend, Brenda, got 
me started making them...thanks, Brenda! We had such fun quilting for hours in the middle of my 
living room using my mom's quilt frames. I drew my own designs on them by crawling around on the
 floor and sketching on the tricot. No way I could crawl around on the floor now or hand quilt for 
hours like I used to. Adding binding to a quilt wasn't something I knew how to do back then, 
so lace went around the edges of the many tricot quilts I hand quilted. It worked just fine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all of you who have left me messages of
encouragement and love during the last few months. My blogger friends are the best ever!
I'm not sure what "normal life" is anymore, but I'm sure I'll figure it out in a month or two.


  1. I have no words of wisdom. Just remember you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. My deepest condolences dear. It is never easy when we lose a loved one. Your memories and photos will bring you comfort. How lovely your quilt is and how special she kept it all these years. Blessings Sweet Carol...<3

  3. I can't believe Joan had that quilt. It has to be more than 25 years ago. What a beautiful memory. I wish I was close enough to give you a hug. ��. FYI........there is no such thing as normal. When I get back we could get together and have a Normal sewing day. Lol.

  4. What a lovely quilt for a lovely lady. My sincere condolescences to you and your family.

  5. Sending you and your family hugs! Her memory will stay in your hearts forever!

  6. Thinking of you and sending hugs! What a precious smile she had...and so wonderful to hear the quilt story! Take care!

  7. My mother passed away last October at the age of 90 also. Her birthday was in Sept. so she only had been 90 for just over a month. Hugs to you Carol and your family.

  8. Joan was beautiful.
    The hardest part of life is losing those we love. She had the best life, and so much love.

  9. My deepest condolences on the loss of your lovely Mother-in-law. May fond memories give you some comfort in your sadness. I've never heard of a tricot quilt, but yours is beautiful.

  10. So sorry to hear your news. It is a way of life that becomes hard to loose. You have a lot of good memories. She knew she was loved and cared for. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  11. I can never find the right words, so I am sending you warm hugs.

    -Soma xx

  12. Sorry for your loss. The quilt is beautiful!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this news, Carol. She had such a beautiful smile! I'm sure it will take awhile to settle into the new normal in your lives.

    Your quilt is beautiful and even more special now.

  14. So sorry for your loss, you and your family remain in our prayers my friend.

  15. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  16. So sorry for your loss. You have a great legacy and memories and a beautiful quilt. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Sorry and sad...no such thing as normal..hugs from Charlotte

  18. So sorry for your loss. When life gets more normal for you and Brenda, we'll have to do some quilt therapy! Hugs...

  19. Con esa sonrisa con la que se despidió, segura estoy que su vida fue feliz con los seres que la rodeasteis.
    Un gran beso

  20. Love her smile, and such gorgeous hair!! I can understand your feelings. I wish you peace.

  21. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time, Carol. Your MIL obviously treasured the quilt you lovingly made for her. I like the lace finish. It really suits it!

  22. Ahh, such happy memories it seems to see you through this sad time in the circle of life.
    A tricot quilt; I had to check that out because I'd never heard of them. What a way to practice your hand quilting and what a job it seems you did. And the lace finish entirely suits it. Thanks for talking about it.

  23. I am so sorry for your loss. (((Hugs)))


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