Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tater Tot Toddle Is A Toddler Quilt

I felt like I should be singing, "A tooty ta, a tooty ta, a tooty ta, ta!"
when I was typing out the post title, but it's not a "tooty ta" it's a Tater Tot Toddle.
Enough "T's" in there for you? I think I must have heard the Tooty Ta song a 100 times
when my kids were growing up and when they went to girl's camp. It's a crazy song!

Anyway...meet the soft and cuddly
Tater Tot Toddle

His wolf looks might seem a bit scary, but just look at that smile. He's a sweetie!

I made this guy for Therm O Web's blog using their amazing
 Therm O Web HeatnBond Soft Stretch. The applique stays soft and stretchy 
when applied using the Soft Stretch. Check it out over HERE!

You will find the pattern in Just Carol's Pattern Store.


  1. Oh my gosh, he's just adorable. Little Red Riding Hood would have loved this wolf!

  2. Very cute. I think he has a great smile.

  3. That is darling! Not scary at all either!

  4. So cute, So wonderful for any kid to snuggle with

  5. Awww this wolf is so cute. He looks cuddly rather than scary. Little red riding hood would have never been scared if this was the bad wolf.

  6. Lovely... Its so cute. Noone can think its a quilt it just seems like a teddy bear. But its an amzing design and lovely gift for kids.


Comments are always appreciated!

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