Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sun, Sand, And Sea BOM...Block #2

Last month the sun definitely was shining in Block #1 of the Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM.
It was fun to see all the varieties and fabrics that were being sewn into a sun...loved it!
Block #2 gives us a little sand and sea to go along with that beautiful sun.

This block measures 12 1/2" x 24 1/2" unfinished.
There's a piecing and applique in this block.

Thanks to Riley Blake Designs, I'm sewing with solids from the Crayola fabric line. 
The Crayola boxes make me smile when I look at them and the fabrics are just gorgeous!

You can find Block #1 at Amy's blog, Sew Incredibly Crazy.
She's the Royal Sun Queen in charge of this BOM and I just love her style.
Amy keeps all the designers in this group moving along and motivated. 
Thanks, Amy!

My Block #1 - January
You can find the blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

My Block #2 - February
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Next month's blocks are by Carla at Creatin' In The Sticks

There's a Facebook page for Sew Incredibly Crazy and Friends where you can
share your sewn blocks and see what everyone else is creating.

I'm not crazy about tracing all the shapes when I applique, so I use Heat n Bond EZ Print Lite sheets. I love that all I need to do is run the design through my printer, iron to the wrong side of my fabric, 
cut out the pieces, and then press them in place. It is so fast and easy...I love easy! 
HeatnBond EZ Print Sheets


  1. What a sweet block. Can't wait to stitch it.

  2. Such a cute block! This will be a fun summer quilt to look forward to for next summer.

  3. Love the cute block. Surf sand and sea cannot be complete without a van and surfboards!

  4. Super fun block! Your use of the solid fabrics is working really nicely. Summer is my favorite season! Blissful March Dear...<3

  5. I love all the different colors! I can't wait for the warmer weather to hit our city! I love summer!

  6. Cute block Carol, nice to see a little surfin, we are pretty gloomy in weather today. March is not starting out as pretty as February was.

  7. I love the Crayola fabric colors. I love to color, too. I love to lay on my tunkie (stomach) in the floor with my grandchildren and color. When I was in first grade, I hated school and would cry and cry trying to get out of going to school. Even at school, I would cry and the teacher would put me in the coat room. I loved in the coat room where I could see all the supplies - the construction paper, the scissors and especially the crayons. My mom and dad had a stash of crayons with which to bribe me to go to school. If I would go to school without crying I could have something from the stash. My favorite was a new box of crayons. I would try very hard not to cry to get a new box of crayons. I love the design, too! It's almost warm enough for the lake here in OK. It's been up in the 80's already this year! We've had almost no winter. I bought my granddaughter a snow suit for Christmas hoping she'd get to play in snow and she hasn't even used the jacket. She's only worn a hoodie all winter. Thanks for sharing so generously.

  8. Oh, Carol, what an adorable block! XO

  9. OH Carol. You create the cutest blocks ever! This is a dandy too. Love Therm O Web Heat n Bond and perfect for this project"

  10. Como voy notando las ganas del buen tiempo y salir al aire libre.
    Me encanta tu quilt y los colores tan brillantes

  11. I really love this pattern. It is just quintessential summer. And the pieced background is very cute and different. Something I never think to do. Thanks again for sharing your creativity with us.

  12. Very adorable block! I went to your shop and couldn't resist several patterns!

  13. I have pink dolphins too! Love your color saturated beach!

  14. Need help when i printed my blocks on block 2 can't read the part letters for the van and surf board can some one help me out!! Please thank you


Comments are always appreciated!

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