Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wait! How Many Days Until Christmas?

Seriously...there's not enough days until Christmas.
I haven't mailed out all my Christmas cards or 
finished shopping...yikes!

The four-year-old monkey stayed with us for a week. He's busy, busy, busy, but I loved it.
We did a little shopping and sweet treat creating, too.

I drove him home and then spent five days with family and the rest of the Monkey Boys. 
Sleeping arrangements for me included one bedroom, two twin beds, 
one mattress on the floor, and four boys. It was the best long slumber party ever.
Sleeping with the four-year-old in the twin bed wasn't bad at all...loved it!

We had our annual gingerbread making night with some interesting results.
This is my it-has-to-be-perfect daughter with Monkey Baby.
He didn't care if it was perfect...he just wanted to eat the candy.

My SIL always brings something unusual to add to the decorations.
Usually it's dinosaurs, but this year he brought toy vehicles.

My son's vehicle was a helicopter. He put it to good use when his house collapsed.
He can be a little twisted sometimes which shows in the "blood" on the gingerbread man.
He definitely keeps us laughing!

I came home yesterday to some fun Christmas mail that made me smile.
One card included lots and lots of know who you are! LOL
I think there was more glitter on my table than on the card. 

Look at this beautiful snowflake by Sherry from Createology. 
I never knew what tatting looked like up close...this is amazing!

Now that I'm home I'm going to sew. I found 16 nine-patch blocks in my stash.
I think I started something last year...or the year before...but I'm not sure what my plan was.
So, the plan is to make it into something else today. 

Should be a great sewing day!
I hope you have time to be creative today, too.


  1. Old 'finds' make for great 'new' projects. We had to postpone our gingerbread house making from last weekend due to illness and hope the reschedul date works out (weather is iffy)

  2. What a wonderful way to spend family time making Gingerbread houses and men. Love the helicopter crash! Glad you like your tatted snowflake. Sew Happy Day...

  3. Awe that looks like a fun time. We usually have family Christmas cookie day, but it is scaled way back this year due to the ancient ones, but it will happen since we volunteered to make 150 cookies for the boy scout pack meeting next week. :O

  4. Que deliciosos preparativos de navidades, que pases unas felices fiestas rodeada de tu linda familia

  5. Your son's twisted sense of humor made me laugh! I'll bet he also makes little "help me, help me!" sounds when he's biting the legs off the gingerbread men :)

  6. It sounds like fun times. No wonder you're not quite ready yet!!! I love Sherry snowflake with the large picots. It is so delicate looking.

  7. Adorable, good times with family. It is the best of life
    Happy Christmas. Cookie day is next Friday... my house.
    The snowflake is a treasure indeed!

  8. awesome post,love how everyone helps with the gingerbread houses.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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