Thursday, December 1, 2016

Virtual Cookie Exchange And A Day Outside For Me

Sometimes I get carried away with sewing, blogging, and other important stuff and forget
to check out what's happening outside. So yesterday, with my finished quilt in tow, we took off
 to enjoy a day outside taking photos of the quilt. It was a beautiful day to be outside!

We took a long drive that had us ending up in the desert around Leeds in Southern Utah.
There's a special beauty to desert scenery, especially with red mountains in the background.

My crew member was scouting out the area and totally missed the guy standing in front of my quilt. 
It was actually a good thing that guy showed up since the quilt can't be shown until later.
Thanks, Santa! 
Oh, and thanks crew member for helping me!

The Virtual Cookie Exchange starts in four days...woohoo!
There's some yummy baking going on so be sure to check back on Monday.

December 5

December 6

December 7

December 8


  1. Gosh....what pretty scenery! It looks like a fun outing.

  2. Very pretty scenery, special beauty indeed!! I bet Santa is hiding a spectacular quilt too! We are to see some snow today and temps in the 30's...looks like that's not the case for you, although I see your "crew" has long sleeves!!

  3. Beautiful scenery! Thanks for sharing the photos.


  4. You really did have a lovely day in the desert and it is truly beautiful. Santa snuck in to hide your reveal. Your scout needs a hat for all that Sunshiine.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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