Tuesday, December 6, 2016

More Virtual Cookie Exchange Recipes And A Giveaway

It's another day for more cookie recipes and that sweet giveaway from Quilt Taffy.
I'm loving the recipes so far!

December 5

December 6

December 7

December 8

$20 giveaway from Quilt Taffy
The winner will love shopping in her store!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Almost all of them. Gooey butter cookies and Ting-a-lings. YUM

  2. Yum, I may have to try that lemon one from today!

  3. Wow!! What great way to share cookie recipes!! All tried and true!1 Loving it!!

  4. I have lost the recipe for my favorite cookie :-( It was a nutty flavored cookie with a dollop of maple-based frosting on top, into which one set a pecan half. Haven't found a suitable substitute yet! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I love collecting new cookie recipes. I make dozens of cookies each Christmas for my son's school, and a bunch of my favorite people. New ideas are a great way to vary the recipes from year to year. Thanks for the fun blog hop.

  6. My favorite cookie is anything with lots of chocolate!! Usually good old chocolate chip cookies will do. Thanks for sharing all the cookie recipes!

  7. My favorite cookie used to be my grandmother's molasses cookies, now that i have allergies, no more cookies for me.


  8. Oatmeal raisin cookies are my fav but at this time of year I like shortbread.

  9. Chocolate chip and pecan cookies!

  10. Such a great hop with yummy recipes! My favorite cookies are date crumbles that my grandmother use to make.

  11. I love all cookies, but my favorite are Brownie Buckaroo cookies with a York mint melted on top. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  12. So glad you hosted this hop again! Deliciousness! I'm just finishing off a batch of soft Ginger Snaps (in the basement, with a big glass of milk and the lights off... I quilt in the basement.)

  13. Jam Thumbprints are always a favourite!!

  14. Peanut butter cookies are my favorite! Thanks for the fun!

  15. I hope i win this thanks!!
    I love gingerbread cookies!
    merryorganic at gmail dot com

  16. I love chocolate chip cookies, but I can't have them around because I can't stop eating them!


Comments are always appreciated!

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