Monday, July 6, 2015

I'll Have Another Cinnamon Roll Please

In the "olden days" I made a lot of cinnamon rolls for my family and I rarely had to look at the recipe
 because I made them so often. So why did I feel a panic attack coming on when the 8 year old
Monkey Boy looked at me with those big brown eyes and said he'd rather have "homemade"
cinnamon rolls than the ones I was planning to buy at the bakery. Yikes! Where's my rolling pin?!!!

Of course, I made him some!
They weren't as fantastic as the ones his mom makes, but they were pretty darn good!
These are the quick and easy kind...made in less than an hour!
It makes about two dozen rolls. 

2 1/4 cups warm water
3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cups oil
4 tablespoons quick rising yeast
2 teaspoons salt
7 1/2 cups flour
3 eggs
4-5 tablespoons of cinnamon
1 1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup softened butter

Lightly stir warm water, sugar, oil, and yeast together in a small bowl and let rest for 15 minutes. 
In a large mixing bowl, add yeast mixture to salt, flour, and eggs. Mix all ingredients and knead by 
machine (or you can do it by hand) for 6 minutes until smooth and elastic. Add a little more flour if 
dough is too moist and doesn't pull away from the sides of the bowl. Remove dough from bowl and
place on a lightly floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll dough into two large rectangles. Spread 
both dough rectangles with softened butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar. From the 
long side of the rectangle, start tightly rolling up dough to enclose the cinnamon and brown sugar. 
Pinch long edge closed. With a serrated knife, cut into one inch wide slices and place on lightly 
greased baking sheet about an inch apart. Bake at 375° for 10-15 minutes or until cinnamon roll 
edges are a light golden brown. Frost if desired. *Optional: add raisins or chocolate chips over the 
dough before rolling up.

Creamy glaze: 
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 
2 tablespoons softened butter 
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 
1-2 tablespoons hot water 
Mix together and frost rolls while warm.


Cream Cheese frosting:
Beat together:
8 ounces cream cheese
1 cup softened butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
4-5 cups powdered sugar
Mix and frost rolls while warm.

Now that the five Monkey Boys and their REALLY BIG BROWN EYES have gone home, 
it's time for me to start sewing, quilting, AND cut back on my more cinnamon rolls! 
I think I'll bake some of those yummy muffins by Madame Samm at Muffin to Lose
She says they will curb my sugar cravings and help me lose weight. 
Sounds good to me!


  1. Smart Monkey Boys to want your homemade cinnamon rolls. They look delicious! I LOVE sugar so much I cannot even think of living without it. Enjoy your Muffins to Lose dear...

  2. Our oven is broken and it will be at least a week before new one gets installed. I am hungry for baked goodies. Excuse me while I drool over your cinnamon rolls.

  3. Well, of course you had to make these rolls! They sure do look yummy! Even at my age, I still have such fond memories of my Grandma's sugar cookies that were always waiting for me when we went to visit her. You're making yummy memories for the MB's that they will also treasure!

  4. The rolls look wonderful! May have to try them out!

  5. Yummy, but I'm not indulging. I have a trip coming up and this booty needs some work! No more sweets for me and more running is in my future! Maybe I will try during the holidays...:)

  6. I'll bet those made quite a hit with those monkey boys. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  7. Pienso hacer esas caracolas tan apetitosas

  8. Oh these look so yummy. I haven't made cinnamon rolls from scratch before but I'm definitely going to try this myself.

  9. Yum! Looking at that picture makes my mouth water! I haven't made cinnamon rolls for a long time either--maybe next time the grandchildren show up, I will do just that. Thanks for the recipe!

  10. Oh, how I love cinnamon rolls! Those look soft and yummy!

  11. I love cinnamon rolls and those look quite tasty! I ordered my muffins but don't have them yet. Willing to try anything once! :)

  12. O yum...I have never made those...but they look great! I made a peach pie today and wicked me, cut into it and enjoyed the first piece myself. Hope Jim doesn't mind, lol! It's sooo good warm!

  13. I will have to live vicariously through you to enjoy the cinnamon rolls.


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