Monday, September 22, 2014

Look Out! Rush Hour Ahead!

Oh, Madame Samm, you really know how to make cool buttons for these blog hops.
That lady looks like how I felt when I saw Studio E's Rush Hour fabric...
I was instantly crazy in love with it and wanted to rush off to sew something! 

I knew as soon as I saw that sweet bundle of Rush Hour fabric that I was going to use a pattern by
Daniela Stout called "Touchstone." It was perfect to show off these gorgeous fabrics and the design
totally made me think it looked like city blocks and a place to get caught in rush hour traffic.

It's Rush Hour!

This quilt is about 89" x 101" and was quilted by Quilted Works.
The back of the quilt is a black cotton sateen that is SO luxurious!

Remember these? 
If you don't know what it is, you are just a baby and have only used computers to type things.
This little beauty was helpful in writing all those essays and doing homework when I was in school.
Sorry, hahaha, hysterically laughing here...I wasn't a big fan of school or homework, so maybe this was
mostly used for writing letters to my grandmother or the Monkees (I was a huge fan in the olden days.)

Look, it still has a ribbon in it!

I love the patterns By Annie and found one that was meant for an iPad or reader and enlarged it a bit.
That typewriter is way too big for this handy case, but my laptop fits perfectly inside and
Annie's Soft and Stable gives it some added protection in my suitcase when I travel.
It looks so good in the Rush Hour fabric!


The zippered pocket on the back stores my mouse and cords.

The Rush Hour Blog Hop wasn't just limited to Studio E's Rush Hour fabric, so I also made a little
girl quilt using red, black, and white. My Accuquilt came in handy to cut some small tumblers using
Riley Blake black and white gingham. I also used the gingham on the binding with some red piping.

I did some hand embroidery on it using "Balloon Girl" from Down Grapevine Lane 
and sent extra balloons flying up, up and away.

My friend, Barbara, did the turned out just beautiful!

A giveaway?
Of course, there's a giveaway! ---It's over!

By Annie recently had the best kind of one, get one free of her Soft and Stable, so I get one
and one of YOU get to have the other one! If you haven't used it for making bags, you will LOVE it!

The Rules
  1. Leave a short and sweet comment.
  2. One comment per person.
  3. The giveaway can be mailed anywhere...yes, even to the other side of the world.
  4. You don't have to be a follower to play along, but of course that makes me smile if you do.
  5. Giveaway ends at 5 p.m. PST on September 30thEntries after 5 p.m. PST on September 30th will not be included in the giveaway.
  6. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you aren't sure whether or not you are a no reply blogger, LEAVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS...pretty please! You can't win if I can't contact you! If you don't get a reply from me to your comment, you are a no reply blogger.

Look who else is in the middle of Rush Hour:


  1. You've been busy! Love the bag. And yes, I know what that thing is, I used to type papers for people on one of those in college and got paid $2 a page. I was NUTS! No spell check and no back space.

  2. Both quilts are just beautiful! The pattern for the Rush Hour fabrics fit it perfectly. I love the little girl with the gallons. Just adorable. The lap top bag is great. I have never heard about that batting. I will have to check it out. Gorgeous projects and thanks for always being a great cheerleader. ;)

  3. I do remember the black type writer - school and work. Love the first quilt to pieces - perfect pattern for this fabric line. Super lap top bag. And the tumbler quilt is just so sweet with the little balloon girl.

  4. Your quilts are perfect as usual! The laptop cover is sweet! Thank you for being a great cheerleader.

  5. So many projects! The quilts are awesome!

  6. WOW, you went big in this rush. Love everything about your large quilt, but that little girl quilt makes my heart sing. I used to hate to type on those manual things, but luckily my mom could just fly on one and was always willing to type up my school papers. Maybe that's why I don't type worth a darn. lol Oops, this is supposed to be short. :)

  7. As usual your projects are so wonderfully awesome. And the girl quilt with the embroidered details is so cute and lovely.
    Thanks for sharing

  8. I just love that little girl with the balloons. She is ADORABLE!

  9. The quilt in the Rush Hour fabric is just gorgeous, I would like one of those, too! The laptop cover and the girl's quilt are great looking, also.
    Good job!

  10. Smile! I follow you. Fabulous projects. Yours always are. I hated typewriters. I couldn't pass a typing test for work until computers came along and I discovered that wonderful delete key.

  11. Of all your 3 projects, I love most your tumbler quilt, with this tiny little girl? While the tumbler design is very severe, these balloons are just soooo light and makes this quilt so special! But the other one is beautiful as well, of course, I love squares! Thanks for showing us these great projects!

  12. Wow,so in love with your projects! I really like the laptop case. Been wanting to make one for so long, just can't seem to get motivated enough.

  13. You must have been rushing for ages to get all that done! I love the big quilt, it looks really vibrant. And yes. I do remember the typewriter and how it would start to hurt when using it for those long essays! The balloons are darling and the I-pad case, well. I will steel that one for my e-reader! Thank you for sharing.

  14. Ha, ha, do I ever remember those typewriters. I also remember getting my first electric one with spell check and corrector tape with click in ribbon; no more threading and black/red was soooo cool LOL Beautiful quilts as always!

  15. Your Rush Hour quilt is wonderful, as is your Balloon Girl quilt. Great laptop bag, I think I'll make one for my daughter! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wow what a BIG, BEAUtiful modern quilt! That fabric for your typewriter (just kidding) lap top cover "withZipper"is perfect. Remember how hard it was to push those keys, the new-fangled electric typewriter was a wonderful invention ! The balloon girl was the perfect addition to the tumbler quilt, I started one, but don't like cutting them out ,so the accu cutter is great...I'm betting.

  17. Carol, it's good to see the black,white and red combo back again. I made a quilt for my college bound daughter in those colors five years ago and she still uses it.

  18. LOVE your projects! But that sweet little girl with her balloons steals my heart! She is precious! The computer bag is awesome and the large quilt is too! Great job!

  19. Just rushing off to work, but I wanted to stop a minute and say what a fantastic post! Two quilts and a laptop! All of them are wonderful, but I really like the modern blocks which remind me of the city. Hope you have time now to rest a little :)

  20. Love the quilts. It's so nice to have finished pieces. You must be so excited to have not one but two done. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I love all your projects, specially the Rush Hour quilt. Oh, and yes, I do remember typewriters like that.

  22. Lots of lovely projects. I certainly remember the old black typewriter.

  23. what striking fav the girl with balloons...this collection suits you ...and being a cheerleader just tops it all Rushed to the top no doubt about it

  24. Oh, Carol...I love those two quilts!!
    The first is so striking and the second is adorable. The computer case turned out great! This hop is off to a great start.

  25. Love these two quilts and the bag. My favorite is the tumbler quilt.

  26. I love everything about this color combination and your quilts are beautiful. Love the bag, how sharp and crisp it looks with these colors. I have never used the soft and stable so will have to look for some. I remember the typewriters and used them in college. So much easier now.

  27. I am always sew impressed by what you contribute to these hops.

  28. Your quilts are beautiful, but I really love that lap top bag! It's really a perfect use for that fabric. Seeing that typewriter brings back a lot of memories, especially of making typing errors and using white-out to correct them lol!

  29. Beautiful quilts! and love the ipad case. Great fabric combo for that.
    I remember using a type writer in 7th grade for typing class. After that typing class was switched to computers, which I was pretty good at, so when we were suppose to type the same line three times the teacher couldn't figure out how I could type three lines so fast. She wasn't familiar with Copy and paste yet. Haha!

  30. wow Carol!!! I just adore those quilts, both are gorgeous on those colors. sweet bag too

  31. Wow! That Rush Hour quilt is beautiful, I love the bag too. Yes, I used a typewriter a few times LOL. I love the embroidery on the little girl quilt. I hope to try that sometime.

  32.! Love the blocky quilting on your quilt and the four thin black boxes in the design...really great :) That Ipad case looks perfect, may have to look at something like that for my lightpad...the zipper feature looks so handy. We have one of those typewriters here too though not the same brand. Thanks for cheering this one!

  33. Love the Touchstone quilt--you are right, it looks likes city blocks and the quilting is just right for it! The embroidered balloon girl on the tumbler quilt is so cute with her escaping balloons. All your projects are great for rush hour! Thanks for sharing!

  34. What great projects. That little girl with her balloons is too cute.

  35. Your quilts are gorgeous! The tumbler quilt is so cute too with your applique Magic. How original!

  36. LOVE that bag! You're sew creative!Love soft & stable too!

  37. Hard to choose a favorite project, Carol. I love the big blocks of the quilt and the perfectly matched quilting. And the laptop bag has so nice accents, like that binding. Beautiful!

  38. Good grief.....these are fabulous! That first quilt really highlights the fabrics and the quilting lines are just right. I still have a typewriter too and I'm really glad that I had learned to type as a's really helped, even in the texting age. Love the cover...very professional looking. And the sweet little girl with her balloons...darling! This is my first stop on the hop and I'm already filled with awe and inspiration. And thanks so much for the giveway!

  39. What can I say I just love everything, the colors , the design, the red just pops, talented lady.

  40. I love your quilts & laptop case. I also love your old typewriter! Many fond & not so fond memories on one of those. You had to have some strong fingers typing on those.....not like typing on a computer. Ah....the memories.

  41. I love all your projects shown today. Yes, took business courses when I was a Junior in High School, a LONG time ago.

  42. And I still can't type!

  43. Your quilt is wondeful. What a great pattern to use with focus fabric. And it does look like city blocks. Very classy laptop cover. Good choices.

  44. What a gorgeous quilt, Carol! It certainly makes good use of that fabric! Your bag is also a great use for it and turned out great!

  45. All your projects are fantastic! Typing was my favorite subject.

  46. Love your projects for the hop! That little girl with the ballons is just darn cute!

  47. Love the fabrics and can't even begin to choose which project I like the most!

  48. Love all of your projects but the little girl with her balloons stole my heart.

  49. Your Rush Hour quilt is awesome! Love the little girl quilt too - sew creative!

  50. Carol I absolutely love your quilts - Touchstone is simply amazing and your little girl quilt is adorable! I love those balloons....they make me smile. :) And the laptop bag is perfect. I made one a long time ago and now after seeing yours I know I need another with a zippered pocket. blessings, marlene

  51. Your quilts are beautiful. I have always loved the red. white and black combination. Your laptop bag is also wonderful.

    BTW....I DO remember the typewriters. Guess I am an antique!

  52. Fun blog hop! And lovely projects! I follow you on Bloglovin.

  53. I love your Rush Hour quilt! It's beautiful!! Nice laptop bag, too. You are so creative!

  54. Love your rush hour traffic quilt! It looks amazing! I know a typewriter when I see one those manual ones made for good strong fingers. hahaha. These days I use an electric one. Love old school.

  55. Good grief - so many Rush Hour projects and they are all beautiful! Thanks so much for holding my hand with my first blog-hop - could NOT have done it without your guidance. Lovely quilts & quilting, Carol!
    And, yes, I LOVED the Monkees too. :)

  56. Carol your quilts are beautiful! The little girl with the balloons is darling. Of course I love your laptop case and Soft and Stable is the best! Annie's patterns are great too. What a sweetie you are to have such a great giveaway. Now how did I miss Annie's sale?!

  57. Wowzers Lady! What fabulous projects, but then I knew they would be :) The rush hour quilt is great, and the laptop bag and the tumbler quilt I just absolutely love! And sadly, yes I know what one of those things are. Learned to type on them in high school!

  58. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is a BEAUTIFUL QUILT! And all that quilting! Perfection! I wish I had thought of the laptop bag...I really needed one of those!!! So lovely!!!!

  59. Carol, you have done it again. All of your quilts, and laptop cover are wonderful. You used that fabric to its greatest advantage. Wonderful job.

  60. Beautiful, beautiful work. Love this line of fabric. Added girl and balloons are adorable. I'll have to remember that one and steal your idea someday. So creative.

  61. Love your quilts and laptop case. And I'm partial to black, white and red - perfect choice

  62. Love the quilt using the Touchstone pattern

  63. You always give 110% to these hops and your creativity is so inspiring to us all. Judy C in NC

  64. Oh, Both your quilts are beautiful. I can just imagine the black backing. Hay, I had a typewriter similar to that one. That after I graduated those portable electric came out. I thought I was in heaven! Wow, how time flies!

  65. I love your projects! The quilts are adorable and like you, I love the Rush Hour fabric line. I just made a bag for my laptop (I figured I might as well make a bag for it even though it was out getting adjusted at the computer spa!), and used soft and stable for the first time. I loved it and will definitely use it again. By the way, I still have a typewriter and my grandkids find it really fun to use. They know it's not a toy, but they sure do act like it is. :-) Thanks for all you do!

  66. The day of the Rush Hour. This was a great hop and the fabric just what I needed. Love your quilt and lap top bag it really brings the fabric out. I have always wanted to do a steping stone quilt and this fabric works well. All the projects were great and you know I already follow you. Felicia

  67. Gorgeous eye candy! I really like the gingham quilt, what a cute idea.

  68. Beautiful quilts! I just love the balloons, such a playful quilt. Great projects. Thank you so much for sharing and being such a wonderful cheerleader!

  69. Very very sweet!! Love the fabs!!

  70. Your quilt is beautiful. I just love the black and red and white combo.

    bevwalks at aol dot com

  71. oh what lovely and sweet projects. This looks like another fun and inspirational hop. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  72. Wow!!!! I love both quilts too!!! The little girl with balloons is adorable!!!! Yes I do remember typewriters but the new and improved is so much better!!!!

  73. Oh, so pretty! I love what you've made with Rush hour, Carol. You really chose the right patterns to let those fabrics shine. Bravo!

    Of course, I'm smitten with the second quilt in RWB... that sweet little girl and her red balloons was a brilliant idea to add to the tumbler blocks. She's adorable!

  74. Oh how I remember the typewriter, and I have to admit, I sorta miss it sometimes. I LOVE all of your projects! Thank you for sharing and being such a great cheerleader. :)

  75. You never fail to delight us! What a gorgeous quilt...sateen backing! Yummy. Great computer case and well your last little quilt is just to adorable for words!

  76. I really, really like all your projects.

    I remember typewriters. Computers (Apples) were just beginning to come into high schools during my student teaching. I learned how to use one when teaching music theory.

    I was a fan of the Monkees too :-)

  77. Carol, I have got to go Pattern shopping with you, always the coolest patterns!! Everything is sew Gorgeous, and the Laptop sleeve...after looking at so many I love yours!! Thanks for being our Cheerleader and for kicking us off with such Stunning pieces!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  78. What a fabulous pattern for a quilt! I never heard of using sateen for backing, but I'll bet the quilting looks great on the back!

  79. Oh man. Do I remember my college job typing stencils for my college profs. Yuk.

  80. Great set of projects! The quilt is quite wonderful.

  81. Your quilt just takes my breath away it is so beautiful! And the lap top bag is great! You always do such a wonderful job! (About that typewriter -- I think I still have Liquid Paper coursing through my veins!)

  82. Perfect quilt pattern. Does look like an aerial view of a big city. The laptop bag is cute but the tumbler quilt is the cutest ever. Never think to applique on top of patterns like that. Great job.

  83. Hi Carol - I love your projects!my favourite is the tumbler quilt with the fabulous embroidery!!

  84. Hi Carol
    That Balloon Girl is so sweet. My sick mind got to thinking-is the next fabric line titled "Black Friday"? After Rush Hour, that's what came to mind! Nevertheless, great projects. I look forward to every blog hop and the inspiration and creativity of talented people. Many thanks.

  85. Just a perfect and beautiful quilt you show off in the beginning of this post. I love it! And I remember the type writer, had one of these myself once. Fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  86. Beautiful items...again! Always find the nicest things on your blog!

  87. I have been waiting for Rush that an oxymoron? Your quilts are each fabulous and I love the red, white, black and greys together. Very nice computer protector case. I still have and type on my IBM Selectric II both at home and at the Chamber of Commerce. Yes...I am old! Thank you sew very much for cheerleading this hop. Creative Rush Hour Bliss Dear...
    P.S. I have just learned of Annie's and her Soft and Stable from Daryl of Patchouli Moon blog.

  88. Every thing is wonderful. If I should win the Soft and Stable, I would definitely make the tablet case. So cute!

  89. love your quilts and the laptop cover. Nancy:

  90. My sister-in-law just sold her old typewriter of $1.00 and she had a hard time getting that. Some grandmother bought it of a grandchild to plunk around on. Oh the good old days. Put me in for the chance to win the soft and stable, please I have always been meaning to try it. Wish I had seen the BOGO sale.

  91. Love your projects. I remember the typewriter my dad had. He was the fastest person I knew on a manual typewriter. He even taught morse code in the army. I would love to try the Soft and Sable, I haven't been able to find it locally.

  92. Love the quilts! Those balloons are darling. Don't have a laptop but want one for that case. Soft and stable is awesome, I would love it. Sorry I missed the sale.

  93. You did the fabric justice! Great pattern for that fabric too. But I love, love the little balloon girl quilt. Just sweet.

  94. You did an amazing job with the fabrics! Gorgeous finishes.

  95. Love your quilts - you are right, it does look like a big city with blocks of rush hour traffic!! Your computer bag is adorable!! The gingham in the tumbler quilt is fab - especially the piping and binding.

  96. That typewriter really takes me back more years than I care to count. Love your laptop cover and the tumbler quilt. My fave is the "city blocks", so much variety in the blocks. Great job.

  97. Love your laptop bag. I used the black and white fabric to make a Tammy bag earlier this year. Thanks for sharing.

  98. Great projects, I remember that typewriter!! This is going to be a fun hop. I'm a Wordpress user, you can email me a craftnut at rocket mail dot com.

  99. I can't decide what I like most..The first quilt certainly seems like windows of buildings in a busy city and cities always mean Rush Hour to me. Great way to start the hop.

  100. I am a fan of red black and white and a fan of texty fabrics so these projects make me smile!I love the balloon girl loosing her balloons too! I do remember the type writer too- in eighth grade I took typing and we only got to use the computers once a week. sometimes two keys would go up at a time and we could make cool designs. Actually I just saw a newscast where this guy made pictures with just one finger and his typewriter- things like the mona lisa and amazing pictures of people and scenery!
    oops this comment isn't short! Im kinda jabbering on today!

  101. Outstanding! And can you RUSH tht stabilizer over right away!

  102. Both quilts are just beautiful, perfect for this fabric as the lap top case. Did you come up with the little girl and balloons? So sweet.

  103. Cool quilt, oops make that quilts! Nothing the matter with Riley Blake gingham popping up in another hop. Love the bag. Hoping to find some good ideas should I chose to make one down the line. Always a pleasure to see what you have come up with, Carol. THX for the giveaway opportunity.

  104. Those balloons on your quilt are so cute!

  105. Your projects are gorgeous Carol. I especially love your tumbler quilt with the little girl.

  106. Your projects are lovely. The little girl with the balloons is definitely my favorite though. But then the computer bag is sweet, and I agree the quilt reminds me of rush hour in a downtown.

  107. Very cute Carol! I love all three projects. xo jan

  108. Fabulous quilts. This first one really was perfect for the Rush Hour fabric - and how can go wrong with those colors anyway!! Some little girl's going to be mighty happy. :)

  109. Your quilt is beautiful and the bag I love it . Thanks for sharing

  110. Your quilts are gorgeous and your bag is great! I love the color combination of red, white, and black. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

  111. Have heard a lot about Soft and Stable...would love to try it. Love your projects.

  112. Great projects. The top quilt - Touchstone - is my favorite. Perfect pattern for showcasing fun fabrics!

  113. What a great way to start the hop. Love the quilts and your lap top case. the quilt with the little girl and balloons is so cute! I'm an antique so remember taking typing classes in high school and trying to reach 60 words per minute. Now kids can text twice as fast on their phones!

  114. Your quilts are beautiful. My favorite was Balloon Girl.

  115. I have heard about the Soft and stable….I was wondering what to put in my bag. Thanks for the info. Beautiful projects btw!

  116. I recently discovered Soft and Stable. It is a wonderful product. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  117. Those balloons are just adorable!

  118. Great projects! I always love seeing what you come up with! Beth @ Words & Stitches,

  119. Love the the quilt and computer holder....great giveaway....

  120. Wowzers! What a way to kick off the hop. I adore both quilts. I like the idea of replicating a town with all the potential bottlenecks at rush hour. The little girl quilt is over the moon and oh the gingham is wonderful. Thanks for participating and making the hop successful.

  121. Your quilts are great! The squares on the white background looks just perfect for the Rush Hour fabrics!

  122. I love, love, love the little girl quilt with the splashes of red.
    Thank you for the give a way

  123. I love everything! Your quilts are exceptional. Cool typewriter! The bag turned out nice.

  124. All of your projects are sew cute. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway.

  125. I love your balloon girl quilt! Everything was just beautiful

  126. Just wanted to say thanks for letting us know about By Annie. I have NEVER seen her website! Love your Rush Hour quilt. It's a real beaut, but whoa...the picture of that old typewriter...boy does that bring bak memories!

  127. Hola me gustó tu blog.
    Sí usé varias máquinas de escribir, eran muy ruidosas por cierto.
    No había oído ni visto de este batting.
    Espero que este miércoles lo pases pura vida.

  128. Love the bag. Now I know where to get soft and stable. I needed for another bag but didn't know where to find.
    My colors
    Thanks for sharing.

  129. Carol, what a great Hop kickoff! Such a smart idea to make the laptop bag. I love using Soft & Stable in my bags, it's the best. I happened to run in to Annie at Quilted Works a few weeks back. My husband got the whole story of how she developed her product as she was picking fabrics for her next bag pattern. I happened to have one of my carpetbags with me and showed her how I had used her Soft & Stable to pre-quilt the outer shell. It's my favorite bag.
    Your quilts are glorious, as always! Great pattern for the Rush Hour prints - fun quilting, too! But that little balloon girl just tickles me! Wonderful.

  130. Nice projects, love bening inspired by these hops.

  131. Just found your blog thru the Rush Hour blog going on. I will sign on as a follower.

  132. You are one talented chick! You rock!

  133. I absolutely love it all, but the laptop case is simply stunning. What a gorgeous way to showcase a line (I hope StudioE is watching ;))

    I've always been intrigued by Accuquilt - do you find there's a lot of wastage when cutting with it? I've never seen it in action in person, and YouTube videos on it are few and far between...interested to hear your take!

  134. Love your quilts. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  135. Black, white, and red is one of my all time favorite color combos so I am loving this blog hop! I vividly remember the Monkees, I watched reruns of the tv show growing up and put on shows for my family involving me singing 'Daydream Believer'.

  136. I had an aqua blue one from the 50's. Your use of the rush hour fabric is terrific.

  137. These quilts are just fabulous! I especially like balloon girl. And the laptop bag is perfect for when you are rushing around!

  138. I love your balloon girl, and the typewriter. :) As always, lovely projects!

  139. You must have been rushing to get all those wonderful projects done! I love your quilt and laptop bag! Thanks for the picture of the typewriter. It brings back memories! Jamie Fingal did an art quilt featuring a typewriter and has a great picture of it on her blog. Thanks for the chance to win the Soft and Stable. I like making bags and have never tried this.

  140. beautiful bag love your creations thanks

  141. The quilts are beautiful. Love the little girl and her flyaway balloons. Thanks for the giveaway.

  142. what great projects for the blog hop

  143. Both you quilts are amazing, I just love that sweet little girl!

  144. I love your quilt, the colors are great! fingers crossed for the giveaway!

  145. Goodness - just wonderful projects on this blog - love love love!!!!!!!

  146. I love your projects, also a great fan of Soft & Stable:)

  147. I don't think I commented already. I really like your laptop case (maybe because I need to make one!) and I like the embroidery.

    In case I've reverted back to a no-reply: jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m

  148. Love the quilts! The appliqué is very cute. Yes, I recognize the Stone Age tool known as the typewriter. I also remember a pre-graphics internet. Not these fancy pictures and colors. Raise your hand if you've ever been eaten by a Gru. : ) Sorry, letting my geek flag fly. As to your giveaway - who couldn't use more softness and stability in their lives? Just in case: notwendy gmail

  149. I just love your touchstone quilt!!! Gorgeous!

  150. Oh my word, how clever is the little girl with the balloons, I just love it!

  151. Carol, your quilt pattern is perfect for the fabrics, the empty squares are cool. Sweet balloons, I do like embroidery. Wow, it's all so fun!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...